Thur 23rd Mar 2023
New features
1. Test results in notifications panel
Patients can now see the values of their latest test results in the notifications panel on their homepage. Clicking the notification takes the patient to more information about the result and previous results for that test.
Feature updates
1. Email notifications - add to team
We will no longer send email notifications to email addresses for patients who are deceased if they are added to a team.
Bugs fixes
1. HL7 - diagnoses and medications updates
We have fixed an issue which was preventing medications and diagnoses updates sent via HL7 from being processed where the the same medication or diagnosis code was sent multiple times in the HL7 message and the user who originally accessed the datapoint was from a different organisation to the user who tried to access the updated datapoint. This issue also prevented carers from accessing affected records.
Mon 20th Mar 2023
Feature updates
1. GP data from EMIS Extract Service
We have processed all historical data for GP practices sending data to PKB via the EMIS Extract Service. This means that patients, and their clinical teams, can see allergies, diagnoses, medications and Physical Health Check measurements and tests in their records. Processing is continuing now on a daily basis. More information on the data we receive from EMIS and how to view it in PKB can be found in our manual: https://manual.patientsknowbest.com/integrations/emis/data#h.p_vgY8G8jM97Y5
2. FHIR Questionnaire
Questionnaires can now be sent to one or many patients using their NHS number, an example of this is shown below:
Thurs 9th Mar 2023
Feature updates
1. Contact Details CSV - registration status
We have added two new columns to the Contact Details CSV: date of birth, registration status. A coordinator can download this CSV from the Institution tab. This change allows teams to get the registration status of their patients without needing PKB to provide this.
1. PKB proprietary one time password (OTP) single sign-on (SSO)
We have resolved an issue which meant that diagnoses and medicines could not be saved by professionals logged in via the PKB OTP SSO. Previously, the page would crash when the professional attempted to save the diagnosis or medicine. Now, the diagnosis or medicine is added to the patient’s record and can be viewed by the professional.
Technical improvements
1. FHIR storage
This week's release includes backend changes to our FHIR storage of conditions and appointment data.
Thurs 2nd Mar 2023
Feature updates
1. FHIR Questionnaire
We have added a parameter to our FHIR API to allow organisations to determine if they want an email notification to be sent to a team professional if a patient completes the questionnaire. The parameter can be added the $send-questionnaire-request endpoint as follows:
Email notifications turned off
2. Care plans
We can now use the ‘display’ CSS property to edit the appearance of care plans. This will allow PKB to create care plans containing tables, which will help clinical teams present the information in the care plan more flexibly.
3. Single sign-on
Organisations will be able to optionally prevent professionals from switching between patient records when they are logged in via single sign-on (SSO). When a professional launches a patient’s record using a redirection URL that contains ‘lockPatient = True', they will be prevented from leaving that patient’s record for the duration of the session, with links to other areas of PKB removed from view.
Wed 22nd Feb 2023
Feature updates
1. Email notifications - plans
We have updated the wording of email notification sent to patients when a professional adds or updates a plan. The email now uses 'plans” rather than “care plans” to be consistent with our UI.
1. Professionals - remind to register
We have resolved an issue which prevented professionals from having the option to remind a patient to register. This only occurred when a patient’s record was initially added with no email and then an email was added via HL7 afterwards.
OBX-5 (Observation Value) is now mandatory in HL7 MDM-T02 messages. This will ensure that empty documents are not sent into patient records, which can cause errors to be shown within PKB for patients. For more information click here.
2. FHIR Questionnaire
Questionnaires can now be sent via our FHIR Questionnaire API to patients: