Wednesday 13th Sept 2023
Technical improvements
This release contains a number of background changes to improve the system's overall quality.
Wednesday 6th Sept 2023
Feature updates
Users registered with a GP practice in Wales will temporarily be unable to use NHS login to register or log-in to PKB. Users can continue to log in with their PKB username and password and users can continue to register via all other methods (email invitation / token registration).
Technical improvements
1. Data version control
We have started a process of formalising our versioning strategy to ensure the most recently received value is considered to be the most recent version. Data sent in HL7 messages will have their entered timestamps populated from MSH-7. The entered timestamp will not be used to determine the latest version of a data point, the time when the data was saved in our database will be used for this.
We have resolved an issue where we were sometimes processing the latest updates received from EMIS before processing older updates. This has now been changed to ensure the latest updates are always processed last to ensure the most up-to-date version is displayed in the record.
Technical improvements
1. FHIR API - Date of last data point