Wednesday 27th Sept 2023
Feature updates / Bugs
1. Deactivated professionals
We have made some updates to how professionals who have been deactivated from a clinical team display on messaging threads.
When a professional is deactivated from a team, we now show the professional as deactivated in any message threads they were previously involved in. We have also added a deactivated status below their name and an information icon, which can be clicked to explain to the user what the status means.
If the deactivated professional is the only professional in the message thread with the patient, we now prevent any further replies to the thread and show a clear warning message to the patient to inform them that the professional has been deactivated.
If the professional was not the only participant in a thread with a patient, we will display their name and deactivated status at the end of the participant list.
2. Invitation tokens for registration
Organisations will no longer be able to request invitation tokens for patients under 16 years old using PKB’s APIs. This change affects the recordAccessToken REST API endpoint and $generate-invitation-tokens FHIR custom operation.
3. Error pages
We have changed the font on our downtime error pages to Mulish, which brings these error pages in line with other PKB error pages.
Wednesday 13th Sept 2023
Technical improvements