On 2 Sep, 2022 Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health (MoH) announced that the Sehhaty app has become the national platform for the healthcare needs of individuals. All , and that all government bodies in the health sector will were going to be integrated with Sehhaty to provide health services through the app, according to the statement.
The MoH made the announcement while signing a cooperation agreement with the Digital Government Authority (DGA) in order to merge all health sector platforms and make the Sehhaty app the national e-platform for providing healthcare services to individuals.
The agreement between the MoH and DGA aimed at several matters, such as merging the health sector apps and platforms and improving the beneficiary’s patients' experience in the health sector as well as facilitating and accelerating the deal with the government bodies. Furthermore, it intends to provide consultation services with regard to digital government and achieve efficiency of digital spending for government services. The agreement will have a positive impact on the beneficiaries, as it would raise the satisfaction rate, increase the level of digital maturing, and unify data sources, in addition to achieving was aimed at positively impacting patients: through the unification of data sources, its goal is to achieve a better level of services in the healthcare sector, ultimately increasing paitents' satisfaction rate.
Sehhaty Platform: