Every Danish citizen can log in and access their medical records on the platform after verification. These records include data from their general practitioners (GPs) and , from the electronic health record (EHR) systems of hospitals (Petersen, 2019), and some private health professionals (Hartlev, 2014).
Healthcare professionals can also use the platform, to access the health data of their patients. Thanks to sundhed, they also have access to clinical information, guidelines, and patient data that may not be available in their own systems. For instance, GPs can access hospital EHRs, waiting lists, and contact information from other healthcare professionals (Petersen, 2019).
access their health journal: here they can see health data from healthcare providers, such as their medical record from their public hospital, descriptions of X-ray examinations and scans carried out at public hospitals, test results, referrals, discharge letters, medications list (this includes the ability for patients to request repeat prescriptions), a list of past medical appointments with Gp/specialists/public hospital.
register and deregister as an organ donor, create a treatment will, see the status of screening procedures, give relatives power of attorney to view their health data or hide some data from the record.
Patients can see entries made in systems by their doctor and by authorised carers (but cannot see entries made in local journal systems at private practitioners' offices and at public hospitals)
see a list of their vaccinations (Sundhed.dk, 2023).