Each region had to create and implement a PHR by June 20, 2015.
The user interfaces, systems, and software must ensure full interoperability at regional, national, and European levels.
Even Some regions had started local FSE projects before this law, some regions had already initiated projects to develop local FSEs, such as the Emilia Romagna region (Posteraro, 2021).
In more recent years, Italy wrote, as requested by the EU recovery package Next Generation EU (NGEU), the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (PNRR), in which each country has to define a plan of reforms and investments for the period 2021-2026. The Italian PNRR was officially approved by the Italian Government on the 13th of July 2021.
The PNRR allocates approximately Italy’s National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) allocated 2.5 billion euros for digital health, with 1.3 billion euros dedicated to establishing a national data infrastructure for the FSE. This The infrastructure aims to be homogeneous across the country and to include the entire clinical history of patients. The budget is for 2021-2026 (Permanent Conference for Relations between the State, the Regions, and the Autonomous Provinces, 2022).
Region | Who built the PHR | Public / Private |
Abruzzo | Has not developed its FSE. According to the ‘subsidiarity regime,’ the region is using the nationally available infrastructure with basic features. | |
Basilicata | Region Basilicata | The region built the PHR Built in-house |
Bolzano (autonomous province) | Autonmous province of Bolzano | The autonomous province built the PHR InBuilt in-house |
Calabria | Has not developed its FSE. According to the ‘subsidiarity regime,’ the region is using the nationally available infrastructure with basic features. | - |
Campania | Has not developed its FSE. According to the ‘subsidiarity regime,’ the region is using the nationally available infrastructure with basic features. | - |
Emilia-Romagna | The region Region is the main shareholder | |
Friuli Venezia Giulia | Company owned by the region | |
Lazio | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica - won tender in 2015 | Private company |
Liguria | The region Region is the main shareholder | |
Lombardia | The region is the main shareholder | |
Marche | Cineca is a non-profit consortium, made up of 69 Italian universities, 27 national public research centres, the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research and the Italian Ministry of Education | |
Molise | Under development, no specified company. | - |
Piemonte | Consortium of public entities | |
Puglia | The region Region is the main shareholder | |
Sardegna | Private company | |
Sicilia | Has not developed its FSE. According to the ‘subsidiarity regime,’ the region is using the nationally available infrastructure with basic features. | - |
Toscana | Private company | |
Trento (autonomous province) | The autonomous province of Trento Region is the main shareholder | |
Umbria | Region Umbria | The region built the PHR Built In-house |
Valle d’Aosta | Region Valle d’Aosta | The region built the PHR Built In-house |
Veneto | Public consortium of the 9 Local Health Authorities and the 2 Hospital Companies of the Region. The regional government, through its health structures, is the main shareholder of the consortium. |
Even though all regional Regional Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico (FSE) systems must adhere to the national minimum standards set by law for data sharing and basic features, each region’s . Each FSE is still distinct. As a result, the functionalities of the Italian FSE vary , with variation across regions, making it challenging is difficult to define a uniform set of features.
According to the legislation, the FSE must include a set of "core" elements, such as The core elements of the national legislation include: patient demographics, clinical reports (e.g., specialist visit reports, test results, radiology), A&E reports, discharge letters, organ donation consent, a patient summary, and a pharmaceutical dossier.
The pharmaceutical dossier is updated by pharmacies and . It helps track a patient's medication history, assess the appropriateness of new prescriptions, and monitor adherence to therapies. However, this feature is still underdeveloped in many regions.