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In 1899 Dr Maria Montessori was appointed co-director of Rome’s new Scuola Ortofrénica, dedicated to training teachers to work with children who had cognitive and developmental challenges. Her Starting in 1899, her techniques helped the children with difficulties catch up with those without. So she wondered how much normal schooling was holding back normal children. Montessori schools would eventually teach many technology founders including Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia).
Out-of-pocket payments (OOP) in Italy are significantly higher than the EU average. For instance, in 2019, OOP in Italy accounted for 23.3% of total health expenditure, compared to the EU average of 15.4%. While some services, such as medications, outpatient specialist visits, and diagnostic tests, require co-payments, the majority of OOP spending in Italy goes towards direct payments for services, particularly outpatient medical care and over-the-counter medications not covered by the SSN . (World Health Organization, 2022)According to the most recent data from 2010, health insurance covered .
Health insurance covers the entire population of Italy. This coverage encompasses both those who are members of health insurance schemes and those who have free access to state-provided healthcare services (Our World in Data, n.p.).