PKB has its own dedicated support desk contactable by email: or submitting a ticket via our website contact form. Our customers are the first line of contact in the support process. Using their own service desk, they monitor and address queries from organisation staff and patients. Second line technical support queries are handled by the PKB support team. Below is a summary of the most common enquiries reported to the PKB support desk with standard responses and information required to address the query.
Issues logging in
If a patient states they cannot log in we need to understand:
Have they forgotten their password?
Have they tried to reset their password?
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble logging into your patient record.
Have you tried the manual reset option?
I have also copied our password criteria below in case this helps to jog your memory:
10 or more characters long.
Contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one special character and one number.
Valid special characters: !"#$%&'*+,-.\:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~
If your security information is not being accepted, a coordinator from your hospital team will need to reset this for you. Please could you let me know which hospital you are under the care of?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,
Privacy query
Useful text to explain in more detail our privacy model and requisite accreditations and standards
Useful if someone says they do not wish to participate with the system on the grounds of thinking it is insecure
Thank you for your recent email, it's always a pleasure to discuss privacy and is a topic we care deeply about. I have included some general information below regarding our privacy policies, however if you have further questions please do let me know.
When a user registers, they are asked to accept the user agreement:
Which in turn mentions our privacy policy:
Briefly, as the privacy policy mentions, we are registered with the UK's ICO and comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR for EEA patients. All our UK customer data are hosted in a UK NHS N3 data centre and we do not transfer the data outside the EEA. Note that you, the patient, may still copy your data or give consent for the viewing of the data, by a third party outside of the EEA, e.g. a US physician. But that would be under your consent and control.
Regarding the security of the data, we host UK data in a secure NHS N3 data centre, to ISO 27001 standard. Access to your data is only authorised by you, the data controller or local laws.
I do hope the information provided is helpful and please do let me know if you have any further queries.
Kind regards,
Patient wants to update their demographics
Earlier this year we locked down some of the demographic sections so patients cannot edit
This response links to a blog explaining why and the new workflow they should follow
Dear {name},
To change your demographic profile, you will need to contact your clinical team to have them change it for you. We have this feature because verification is an important part of our process to ensure that all medical data including messages and lab tests are being sent to verified individuals. We have a blog to help explain in more details.
To do so, please log onto your PKB record, click on 'Events and Messages' to send a message to your clinicians to have them update your profile.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.
Details needed for developer investigation
This is the kind of information we should try to gather each time an error is hit to maximally assist the developers and limit back-and-forth information gathering
PKB Account: Carer, Patient, Clinician, or Coordinator
Environment: Sandbox or PROD
Device: Mobile or Computer? Mobile iOS or Android? If a computer, what browser? (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Support code (if any):
Time and day of error:
PKB private ID or email address of requestor:
Patient wants to de-register
Response (refer the patient to organisation):
Thanks for getting in contact with Patients Know Best and I'm sorry to hear you wish to unsubscribe from our service.
The [organisation] have requested that we refer any requests like this to them directly. Therefore, please could you kindly send your de-registration request to [organisation support email], including your reasons and concerns. The team will soon be in touch to support you.
Response (PKB support)
Sorry to hear you wish to unsubscribe from our service.
Please can you let us know why you no longer wish to access your Patients Know Best record? We'd be happy to offer you any support or guidance if you'd think it would be helpful? Hopefully, we'll be able to resolve your issue and allow you to continue to enjoy the benefits an online patient portal brings, such as immediate access to your appointment information.
If you decide to proceed with de-registration, we’ll contact your hospital team to put this in motion. You will no longer receive notifications about changes to your record and your login will be disabled.