Full instructions are available on the developer wiki about how to send data via HL7 into PKB, which includes the specifications for the HL7 ORU messages used to send pathology and radiology data. Corrections and deletions can be issued by the lab IT systems using the HL7 interface. Only the lab that authored a test result can correct or delete it. A data point marked for deletion is hidden from users but stored for medico-legal audit purposes.
When test results arrive, the patient and carer are notified on the email addresses that they registered with. The email does not divulge what the test result is or which team it came from, only that new data is available to see. The patient and their carers can see these test results after logging into the patient's record, unless the team had set up a delay for the display of some test results. Professionals are not notified but they can see the latest results, with no delays, when looking at a patient's record.