On February 4th 2024, after one year of research, the Times Health Commission presented a ‘report “report into the state of health and social care of Britain today’, today” (Times 2024) including . It had a 10-point proposal for the NHS.
The first point of focus in the report addressed health data fragmentation and highlighted how technology can transform healthcare by improving efficiency and reducing costs. The solution found and proposed by the Commission is the creation of a ‘Patient Passport’, according to which every patient treated by the NHS should have all their health information stored digitally in a single place, and every doctor who is treating a patient should be able to access that patient’s record. As with a real travel passport, the Patient Passport should work seamlessly and be accessible and considered valid across any healthcare institution: GPs, NHS hospitals, pharmacies, and social care.
Over 600 witnesses provided expert opinions, and the commission also conducted economic analyses, business surveys, opinion polls, and focus groups. These efforts aimed to get a comprehensive view of what's working well and what needs improvement (Sylvester, 2023).
View file name times-health-commission_report_2024.pdf Digital Health.,n.d.Times Health Commission presents 10-point plan with digital at the top. Accessed at:https://www.digitalhealth.net/2024/02/times-health-commission-presents-10-point-plan-with-digital-at-the-top/#:~:text=The%20Times%20Health%20Commission%20was,issuing%20its%2010%2Dpoint%20plan. (accessed 1 May 2024).
Sylvester, R., Hayward, E., & Lambert, G., 4 February 2024. Public back ‘patient passports’ to share medical records with any doctor. The Times. Accessed at: https://thetimes.co.uk/article/nhs-data-shared-freely-times-health-commission-bqhrfwh83 (accessed 4 February 2024).
Sylvester, R., 15 January 2023. What is the Times Health Commission? Its aims explained. The Times. Accessed at: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/times-health-commission-explained-objective-commissioners-bvl2937gf?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQERSJk2nQgS-DWDRylo45QO9vi_67vC8mweo4kW2Cia4H-w-vX9R0xoC_JQQAvD_BwE (accessed 4 February 2024).