Sign contract for educational use of PKB
Choose who will register as coordinator users to configure your use of PKB with your students and patients (usually professors or university administrative staff)
Agree with PKB: the model use (simulated/hybrid/livevolunteer role-play/ students role-play/case study records), how the platform will be set up, and which features will be used
Fill in the “set up questionnaire”, provided by the PKB Project Manager
Professors and administrative staff attend the PKB training session
PKB Project Manager to set up the platform and invite the teams' coordinators - THIS STAGE TAKES AROUND A MONTH
Coordinators to register and to invite all the educator educators who will be involved in monitoring the students’ use of PKB
By default: PKB Project Manager registers as a coordinator and as a professional too, in order to be able to support the users if they have issues. Please note: this way PKB would have access to your users data. If you prefer this not to happen, let us know.