

Welcome to the dynamic hub of our ongoing exploration into the world of personal health records. This website is not a static entity but a work-in-progress.

Our sources include academic literature, newspaper articles, and information from government and corporate websites. Individuals worldwide were kind enough to log in and show us their data in their national systems. They are the source of screenshots in the book come from. Key figures involved in developing and implementing PHRs provided detailed historical context, often off the record.

All errors are ours as authors. The complexity of the subject and the dynamic research mean we will always have errors and this website is an incomplete resource. Our commitment is to keep up with the rapidly evolving technologies discussed in the book, striving to provide a representation that closely mirrors reality.

To achieve this goal, we ask for your help: contact us to correct us on book@phr4gov.org.

Federica Andreoni and Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

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