
Country’s healthcare system in a nutshell

Spain’s national health system (SNS) is predominantly funded through general taxation, ensuring universal access to a broad range of services for all residents, including citizens and both documented and undocumented migrants. The Ministry of Health oversees national health planning and regulation, while the 17 regional health authorities handle regional operational planning, resource allocation, and decisions regarding service provision. The SNS Interterritorial Council, consisting of the national Minister of Health and the regional health ministers, coordinates high-level policies. Although regional variations in coverage are minimal, disparities in resource allocation do exist. Health services are provided by a combination of public and private providers, with primary care doctors serving as gatekeepers to specialist and hospital care.

Each autonomous community, including Catalunya and Andalucia, has its own regional health authority responsible for managing and overseeing healthcare within its borders.

(World Health Organization, 2023)

According to the most recent data from 2010, health insurance covered 99.2% of the population in Spain. This coverage encompasses both those who are members of health insurance schemes and those who have free access to state-provided healthcare services (Our World in Data, n.p.).


In Catalunya, the Generalitat de Catalunya governs the region's healthcare system. This autonomous Government has a high degree of independence in healthcare decision-making. The Generalitat sets policies, allocates budgets, and administers healthcare services to meet the specific needs of its population. Additionally, Catalunya has implemented its own digital health platform, La Meva Salut, which offers a range of services for citizens to access and manage their healthcare information.


PKB_Book Cover and Slides_20240815.pptx (8).png
Screenshot of the Health System Catalonia presentation by Dr Toni Dedeu, Director General, Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Health, 27 February 2017. Source: Dedeu, T., 2017. Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2024].


Similarly, in Andalucia, the Junta de Andalucía exercises significant authority over the regional healthcare system. The Junta is responsible for healthcare policy formulation, budget allocation, and service provision within the region. Andalucia, like Catalunya, enjoys a substantial degree of independence in healthcare decision-making. The region has introduced its digital health platform, ClicSalud+, which allows residents to access their health records and manage healthcare-related tasks online.

While both Catalunya and Andalucia have a degree of independence in healthcare decision-making, it's important to note that the overall framework of the Spanish healthcare system emphasizes universal access and standards, ensuring that residents across all regions receive a consistent level of quality care.

Public vs private

Health care spending by country in 2021 (11).svg
Source: The World Bank.
The pink column refers to the public expenditure as a % of the country’s total healthcare expenditure. The blue dot is the country’s expenditure on health per capita, expressed in international dollars at purchasing power parity.


World Health Organization. (2023) Spain: Country Health Profile 2023. State of Health in the EU. Available at: (Accessed: 30 July 2024).

Dedeu, T., 2017. Health System Catalonia. Presentation given by Dr Toni Dedeu, Director General, Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Health, 27 February. Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2024].