New Zealand - Children's records

New Zealand - Children's records


Parents can gain access to their children’s records. If they wish to access your children’s health records they can discuss this with their GP. Parents can use one of their email addresses to register their children to ManageMyHealth™. They will need an email address for each child you wish to register to ManageMyHealth™. (This is required to keep each child’s records separate). If the parent is also registered to ManageMyHealth™, then tey will need to use a different email address for their children.


  • ManageMyHealth accounts are designed for individuals 16 years of age or older.

  • Parents and guardians may create a ManageMyHealth account for children under the age of 16 after consultation with the child’s GP. In such situations, the parent or guardian agrees to uphold this Code of Conduct and is liable for all activities and content they post.


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