Trust Staff Registering as Patients
Why ask staff members to register as patients?
Staff within the Trust who have seen their own health data in PKB understand how the portal appears to a patient and are therefore enthusiastic and confident about explaining the benefits of PKB to patients.
Staff members who have never logged into PKB as a patient could potentially be anxious or unsure when explaining the benefits and functionality and in turn pass this anxiety unintentionally to the patient.
Registering your staff for their own PKB records then is an easy and big win - doing so provides both in house promotion and understanding of PKB!
How to invite staff members to claim their record:
You may find that a proportion of staff members are actually patients at your Trust already or are patients at another Trust that is using PKB and they may therefore already have a PKB record that they are accessing. Many however will not have a PKB record created yet or will not be registered for their existing record and this can be achieved easily via the NHS Login.
It is important that staff are encouraged to create and/or register for their PKB record via NHS Login through an internal comms campaign, this should include such methods as screensavers on computer terminals, posters in staff rooms/canteen, newsletters, staff intranet (perhaps through pop ups), word of mouth in meetings, more information regarding internal comms suggestions can be found on our comms toolkit page.
The link to include for staff is as follows:
IMPORTANT: Staff should use their own personal email addresses to register for their personal PKB account, their NHS email address should be used for their Professional PKB account.