Principles for Success

Principles for Success


Introducing change into healthcare organisations is challenging and the objectives are not always clear. There are many competing needs and wants, often we and our customers are learning together to discover them. The pages of this website reflect our continual improvement efforts to deliver successful change in your organisation using PKB.

The following principles are a starting point to guide us in the right direction.


The Patient Knows Best

We acknowledge that no one is more important to a patient's lifelong health than themselves. We always consider their experience and advocate for them.

Achieving Value for Customers

We focus our efforts on achieving maximum return on investment for our customers, from both a financial and outcome perspective.

Embedding into Clinical Practice

We recognise that professional and patient partnerships are key to improved clinical outcomes. We commit to empowering clinical teams with this new way of working.

Learning from Experience

We track experiences, both positive and negative, learn from the lessons, and adjust our approach accordingly to become more efficient and effective in our deployments.

Adaptive Teamworking

We create change with a network of forward thinking customers and partners, this network is never static. We collaborate constantly and remain flexible to keep aligned.

Data Driven Delivery

We track and use data effectively wherever possible to guide our decisions and approaches using evidence.