Remote Consultations

Remote Consultations

Choose your video conferencing software

When asking patients to attend remote consultations, it is important to choose software that is quick and easy for patients to download and access.

Inform patients that their consultation will be online

It is also essential to inform patients that their consultation will be held online before it occurs. There are several options for doing this, including:

  • Messaging the patient via PKB to inform them of their appointment

  • An appointment letter sent to PKB with details of the online consultation

  • Including more information in the PKB appointments section

Click on the link to learn more about PKB appointment considers.

Ensure both professionals and patients have access to a microphone and webcam

It is crucial that all parties have the necessary technology to participate in a remote consultation. If the patient or professional cannot access a webcam or microphone, consider a telephone consultation rather than a video consultation.

Further information