Cardiology Teams
- 1.1 Current Problem
- 1.2 PKB Solution
- 1.3 PKB Benefits
- 2 Use Cases
- 3 Key Features
- 3.1 Questionnaires
- 3.2 PKB's advanced questionnaire functionality
- 3.2.1 Questionnaire templates
- 3.3 Messaging
- 3.4 Library
- 3.5 Care plans
- 3.6 Appointments
- 3.7 Journal
- 3.8 Data
- 4 Workflow
- 5 SMART Goal
- 6 Further information
PKB is the digital solution for many cardiac teams wanting to improve their digital pathways. Providing digital informed consent, digitalised shared decision tool care plans, pre and post-surgery questionnaires and care plans, giving patients advice, reducing clinical appointment time, saving hospital money and improving the experience for both the patient and the clinical teams.
PKB's messaging and questionnaire functionality can help teams complete earlier pre-operative screening to help identify patients with additional health needs who would benefit from extra support both before and after surgery. The library and care plan features can give patients information pre and post-op and provide hospitals with a digital waiting well solution.
Current Problem
A large number of patients
Attend multiple appointments
Deterioration frequently leads to unplanned appointments/admissions
No digital pathways
Patients dont have access to care plans
Relys on traditional phone contact for support
PKB Solution
Individualised care planning
Validating waitlist via questionnaire
Support patients waiting well with care plans and library of resources
Send patients digital appointments and appointment letters
Information is shared about patient requirements ahead of treatment
Informed consent and shared decision tools
PKB Benefits
Avoid a large number of calls to admin team and nurses
Patients are well-informed
The hospital has a digital solution for sharing information with patients
Hospital saves money on post and phone calls
Reduction DNAs
Lower readmission rates
Secure messaging feature allows professionals to share information with patients pre and post surgery
Use Cases
Across the UK, 22 Cardiology teams use PKB to innovate, streamline workflows, and enhance patient care. A great example is the heart failure team at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. Leveraging PKB’s messaging and library functions, they have reduced phone calls and introduced a PIFU pathway:
Phones calls down by 33%, resulting in a 15% time saving and fewer interruptions to their workflow
Patients can now message health information such as blood pressure readings, which supports decision-making and efficient management between appointments.
Messaging is also facilitating safer communication of medication changes, reducing the risk of mishearing instruction.
To read the full case study, click here.
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s Heart Failure
The Heart Failure (HF) team has pioneered using Patients Know Best’s digital tools to enable remote monitoring and self-management and reduce unplanned hospital admission/attendance. Building on early learnings, in 2023 this has successfully been extended to underserved patients and supporting the implementation of a digital offer across the heart failure pathway. To read the full case study click here.
Key Features
There are key PKB features all cardiac services can use with their patients. A list of them is below.
Patients can initiate a questionnaire by clicking Start Questionnaire on their homepage or directly within the NHS App. Once completed, the questionnaire can be sent to a professional or team.
Teams using the questionnaire tool can ensure the outcome of clinical reviews is recorded, and the patient has a copy. Teams can also identify patients suitable for virtual appointments or PIFU.
PKB's advanced questionnaire functionality
The features include:
Scoring and calculations
Branching, allowing patients to complete the parts of the questionnaire that are relevant to them
Coded fields questionnaires can be mapped to clinical codes
Patients can save drafts
Send questionnaires to patients who aren’t registered or already in your team
Questionnaire templates
Patients have access to message their healthcare team (saving time on the phone)
The Admin team can triage messages. Either resolving or passing onto another speciality team
Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams
Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages and questionnaires as a group rather than as individuals
Waiting Well resources
Online patient leaflets
Cardiac support group information
British Heart Foundation information and resources
Care plans
PKB care plans can be used at every stage of a patient's condition journey. PKB have a care plan toolkit with examples of care plan templates used by teams. There is a process for teams to amend care plans or create new ones here. Below are some of the care plan templates being used and templates that can be created.
Monitoring condition plan (example cardiology monitoring care plan)
Making a Decision About Further Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation Care Plan
Personalised care plan templates
Appointment letters and appointments sent to PKB via integration
Manually entered appointments
Digitalise journal
Pre-surgery and post-surgery to support enhanced recovery programs
Appointment letters
Clinical letters
Patients are given the Heart Failure care plan by the Heart Failure Team (HFT) to track their symptoms related to their heart failure and record their blood pressure. The care plan has advice, videos and an escalation plan for when it’s needed. The care plan is reviewed by the HFT in the patients appointment.
‘PKB has allowed me to encourage patients to record their BP readings at home more frequently and adjust meds.’
Reduce waiting list for the ………… team by December 2024 (... months post admin team go live) from (current waiting list times) to ( %) by validating all patients on the waiting for appointments by sending them a digital questionnaire through PKB instead of by post or not at all. Current waiting list rates are (%). …. months post-going live, the team compared the waiting list of patients with and without a PKB record. It is a local NHS priority to reduce waiting lists to save money.
Reduce the number of missed appointments (DNA) for the cardiac team by Sept 2024 (12 months post team go live) from (current missed appointments) to ( %) by sending all appointment letters and appointment details into PKB instead of by post. Current missed appointment rates are (%). 12 months post-going live, the team compared missed appointment rates of patients with and without a PKB record. It is a local NHS priority to reduce missed appointments to save money.
Further information
Heart failure care plan: symptom tracker care plan for patients
Maternity high blood pressure care plan: patients given take-home BP machines to track in the care plan
Heart failure SMART goals: examples of SMART goals written for patients and the clinicians
Connecting PKB to FibriCheck: FibriCheck has integrated with PKB to allow users to share their data. Measurements, symptoms and care plans are all viewed within the PKB record.