IBD Teams
- 1.1 Current problems
- 1.2 PKB solution
- 1.3 Benefits
- 2 PKB key features
- 2.1 Questionnaires
- 2.2 Messaging
- 2.3 Library
- 2.4 Care plans
- 2.5 Add and view data
- 3 Example goal
- 4 Workflow
- 5 Further information:
Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, are successfully using PKB to self-monitor their symptoms and track their condition.
PKB provides patients and the team with a platform for more effective, patient-centred overall management of IBD.
Current problems
Patients with mild symptoms may need minimal or no treatment but still have regular appointments
Teams experience a high level of face-to-face appointments
Telephone conversations are lengthy
Teams want the ‘Annual Review’ and ‘Flare Up’ questionnaires digitally.
Teams want to give patients online resources to support self-manage
Teams want patients to have access to their IBD blood results
PKB solution
PKB enable the transfer of patients from routine face-to-face appointments to efficient remote monitoring, enabling early detection of issues and prevent disease flare-ups requiring hospitalisation.
PKB allowing patients to monitor their own symptoms, empowering them to make the decision when they need hospital treatment and when they can self manage.
Individual care plans with escalation plans
Online resource library
Secure messaging between patients & team that can be initiated by patients and professionals
Ability to send videos, files and images securely
Digitally appointment letters and appointments
Access to laboratory results
Symptom and measurement tracker
PKB key features
Patients can initiate a questionnaire by clicking Start Questionnaire on their homepage or directly within the NHS App. Once completed, the questionnaire can be sent to a professional or team.
Teams using the questionnaire tool can ensure the outcome of clinical reviews is recorded and the patient has a copy. Teams can also identify patients suitable for virtual appointments or pre-operative assessment questionnaires.
PKB's advanced questionnaire functionality
The features include:
Scoring and calculations
Branching, allowing patients to complete the parts of the questionnaire that are relevant to them
Coded fields questionnaires can be mapped to clinical codes
Patients can save drafts
Send questionnaires to patients who aren’t registered or already in your team
Questionnaire templates
Patients have access to message their healthcare team (saving time on the phone)
The Admin team can triage messages. Either resolving or passing onto another speciality team
Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams
Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages and questionnaires as a group rather than as individuals
Patient initiated messaging
Ability to share videos, files and images securely
A wealth of resources such as Diet Advice, Counselling Info, and Educational Info on IBD
Disease and condition information with advice and resources
Treatment plans, for example, a rehab program with videos and advice a patient needs to watch and read each week
Advice on Living well, including exercise, healthy eating, quitting smoking and alcohol recommendations
Details and links to National and local support groups and website
Care plans
PKB care plans can be used at every stage of a patient's condition journey, below are some of the care plan templates being used and templates that can be created.
Condition information and resource care plans
Monitoring condition plan (here is an example of one)
Rehab, physical activity and musculoskeletal health
Individualised templates with escalation plans, a place to track and record symptoms
In and output charts
Add and view data
Patients can view hospitals and GP data where an integration with PKB has been set up
Data can include sharing blood tests, x-ray reports, clinic and appointment letters, appointments and discharge summaries
Patients can add information themselves, including operations and conditions
Patients can track key measurements and add any symptoms related to their orthopaedic condition
Example goal
To give patients the ability to monitor their own symptoms, decide when they need to go to the hospital and seek information and advice about self-management of their IBD, preventing acute hospitalisation.
PKB: receives patient’s appointment
PKB: notifies patient about appointment
Patient: attends appointment with the IBD team
IBD Team: views patients PKB record and adds care plan
PKB: notifies patients a care plan has been added
Patient: reads care plan, starts tracking symptoms
IBD Team: view patient’s BP and symptoms and changes treatment plan when needed
Further information:
Colonoscopy consent care plan template: how to provide informed consent to patient digitally
Diet in and output chart: a care plan for patients to record their in and output
IBD Case studies: where PKB has successfully been deployed in IBD teams
Remote monitoring facilitates the management of inflammatory bowel disease: NHSX gastroenterology digital playbook showcasing PKB
Non-face-to-face delivery of an inflammatory bowel disease service: NHSX gastroenterology digital playbook showcasing PKB
Giving patients with intestinal failure access to their personal health record: information sharing between different organisations using PKB