Maternity SMART Goals

Maternity SMART Goals

Below are SMART goals a Maternity Team wanted to achieve with their use of PKB.

Goal 1 (giving patients a PKB record)


Improve patient outcomes and safety by providing all maternity patients with a PKB record, giving them access to their test results, clinic letters and care plans.



The maternity team register 25% of their patients each month. This will be accomplished by mass registration at the beginning of the patient pregnancy and midwives checking patients have registered at their first and following appointment.



Team level - All patients are invited to register with PKB and sent comms around the maternity pathway. All staff are trained on PKB and ask patients at every appointment if they have registered.

Trust level - Integration with PKB, all bloods, clinical letters and apt letters in the patient's record.



Giving patients access to PKB provides a better service by giving them all relevant data online, in real-time. Empowering patients to understand their pregnancy and frees up clinical time. Giving patients access to their blood tests means they have no call to find out results.

To help women to make choices about their care and access services and information in a more convenient and efficient way.



Monitor registration rates weekly, aiming for an increase of 25% each month for 9 months. All new patients from 9 months post-live, should be onboarded onto PKB and patients registered by their second midwife appointment.

Goal 2 (My Choices for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond care plan)


Improve birth outcomes and patient experience by giving patients a

‘My choice for pregnancy, birth and beyond digital care plan at their first appointment and reviewing at the following appointment.



Measure how many patients have a birth plan that is shared and reviewed with their midwife pre-PKB, compared with how many birth plans have been reviewed after PKB go live.



All patients are invited to register with PKB, registration sent with the first appointment, comms giving patients information on their PKB record and care plan.

All midwives training on PKB and care plan functionality. Midwives add the care plan at their first appointment and review the birth plan at each appointment after 30 weeks of pregnancy. Library resources are provided to support the writing of a birth plan.



Provide patients with a digital birth plan, to empower them to record and share their wishes. Midwives to review birth plans at 30-week appointments and make adjustments where needed.

To help women to make choices about their care and access services and information in a more convenient and efficient way.



Care plan and workflow to be ready for Team Go live. Clinical engagement stats, review at 3 months and 6 months and 9 months post PKB Go live.

80% of all maternity patients have registered with PKB by six months post-go-live.


Goal 3 (Cost saving - digital care plan cost-saving)


Safe the Trust money on printing out lengthy maternity care plans and patient leaflets by providing all maternity notes and information in PKB.



How many patients they have per month, each patient currently gets a (25-page paper care plan) cost saving is working out, how many patients a month, times number of pages photocopied and printed over the 40 weeks, compared to no paper used with PKB.




Team level - All patients are invited to register with PKB. All staff are trained on PKB and ask patients at every appointment if they have registered. PKB record has a comprehensive library of digital resources.

Trust level - Integration with PKB, all bloods, clinical letters and apt letters in the patient's record.



Improve staff experience reducing duplicate data entry. Improves clinic safety by providing the midwives with all the information about the patient in one digital plan. Reduce costs associated with paper and printing.

For more effective appointments doesn’t rely on mothers bringing the paper notes with them to each appointment.

To help women to make choices about their care and access services and information in a more convenient and efficient way.



Midwives add the maternity care plan to the patient’s record and care plan reviewed at each appointment. 9 months after go-live all maternity patients have a digital maternity note instead of paper notes.

80% of women have accessed maternity PKB.


Goal 4 (register with PKB)



All patients registered with PKB to access their maternity notes by 20 weeks gestation.



After the team go live, PKB stats to show how many have registered through hospital token registration. Each week PKB send the team registration stats, each month stats should show an increase of at least 25%.



Integration completed for mass registration.

All patients are to be invited to register at the first appointment and then reminder at regular intervals.

Midwife team trained on PKB and how to add an email address and a carer.



Providing patients with a digital record, including care plans, appointments and clinic letters.

  • Improve completeness, legibility and standardisation of clinical documentation

  • Improve access to patient data

  • Patients having access to digital maternity notes

  • To help women to make choices about their care and access services and information in a more convenient and efficient way.



Nine months post-go-live, all patients have registered with their PKB record.

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