Waiting List Validation (WLV)
- 1 PKB WLV options
- 2 Current problems
- 3 PKB solutions
- 4 Benefits
- 5 PKB automated and manual options
- 5.1 Automated WLV
- 5.2 Manual WLV
- 5.3 Workflow
- 6 Registered patient's WLV workflow
- 7 WLV and shared decision tool workflow
- 8 Use cases
- 9 Key features
- 9.1 Advanced questionnaires
- 9.1.1 Questionnaire templates
- 9.2 Messaging
- 9.3 Library
- 9.4 Care plans
- 9.5 Appointments
- 9.1 Advanced questionnaires
- 10 Example goals for WLV teams
- 11 Further information
PKB WLV options
PKB supports organisation’s elective recovery plans for Waiting List Validation (WLV) with our understanding that it's about capturing more and better data about patients waiting on lists.
Waiting list validation via PKB can be done quickly and efficiently using a manual workflow that requires no technical integration or a completed automated workflow.
Hospitals can use PKB's advanced questionnaires (AQ) to improve their waitlist validation process by regularly sending automated questionnaires to verify if patients still need treatment, identify those willing to travel to nearby hospitals for faster care and find those available on short notice to fill last-minute cancellations. This proactive approach helps to ensure the waiting list remains accurate by removing patients who no longer require treatment and freeing up appointment slots for others.
Current problems
Long waiting list
No process to discuss any changes to the patient's condition
Unknown deterioration resulting in emergency admissions
Resulting in more money and time being wasted
Negative patient experience
Patients are not always fit for surgery
No education or support for patients
Paper and phone-based approaches are not fit for purpose
PKB solutions
Automated questionnaires to verify surgery needs: through automated questionnaires.
API integration for triggering and data extraction: use APIs to trigger questionnaire dispatches and pull responses back.
Timed questionnaires: send questionnaires at key points in the patient’s journey
Streamline: identify and remove patients no longer require services.
Gather data: If a patient's condition has changed/worsened.
Targeted last-minute cancellations.
Identify patients willing to travel.
Enhance patient experience with regular contact.
Implement digital workflows that work across all specialities.
Streamline processes and automate engagement: reduce admin and clinical time.
Maintain patient contact with minimal resources.
Reduce DNAs and improve attendance rates: prompt patients who no longer need treatment to opt out and keep others informed to reduce no-shows.
Save clinic time: prevent on-the-day cancellations.
Cost-efficient solution: use WLV functionality across the hospital at no additional cost.
Totally automated WLV and Manual WLV workflows are available.
PKB automated and manual options
Automated WLV
PKB enables a fully automated WLV workflow, allowing teams to streamline processes efficiently:
The entire process is automated, reducing administrative burden.
Non-registered patients can complete questionnaires via email without needing to register on the platform.
Branching logic simplifies responses, allowing tailored follow-ups for "yes" or "no" answers.
Additional questions can be presented to patients remaining on the list to determine their circumstances.
Supports patient registration by linking upcoming appointments directly to their records.
Manual WLV
For a simpler setup, teams can opt for manual WLV:
Quick and straightforward to implement.
Requires no integration resources, making it accessible to any team.
Both options are being used by PKB customers to efficiency reduce their waiting lists.
This is the suggested workflow PKB can help you set up.
Registered patient's WLV workflow
Patients are added to the team, and a questionnaire is sent to confirm if they still want their appointment. Based on responses, the team can:
Validate the waiting list, discharging patients from the PKB team if they no longer require the appointment.
Retain patients in the team and send follow-up waiting list validation questionnaires as needed.
For unregistered patients, the team can send a digital letter via PKB or an SMS, encouraging them to register and complete the questionnaire.
WLV and shared decision tool workflow
PKB has digitalised NHSE's shared decision tools into editable, shareable PKB care plans. Hospitals can add any of these templates to the Patient Record team or WLV team for patients to add, complete and share anytime. The care plans are designed to ensure patient is given information so they can make informed decisions about their care and treatment plans.
Use cases
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Completed a trial implementing tailored Waiting List Validation Questionnaires sent to patients via PKB across 14 clinical specialities. With patient response rates of 50-80%, they achieved an immediate 6% reduction in the waiting list and an estimated £14,000 saving in clinical costs if the patients who were discharged had missed appointments. With proven positive impact, this is now being expanded across more specialities, integrating automation for more effective pathway management. To read the full case study, click here.
6% of patients requested to be removed from the waiting list, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced backlog.
Estimated cost savings of £14,000 in clinical expenses for a small cohort by avoiding unnecessary Did Not Attends (DNAs).
94% of patients requested to remain on the waiting list, ensuring appropriate prioritisation and care delivery - of the patient responses received, 48% were submitted via PKB, with 47% completed within 2 hours. This rapid response time provided the Trust with a real-time snapshot of the waiting list, which is essential for effective management in the face of constant changes.
Example Advanced Questionnaire (AQ) template
Hull University Teaching Hospital
Key features
All services validating waiting lists can use key PKB features to capture data. Below is a list of them.
Advanced questionnaires
PKB’s advanced questionnaire functionality includes the following:
Scoring and calculations
Branching, allowing patients to complete the parts of the questionnaire that are relevant to them
Coded fields questionnaires can be mapped to clinical codes
Patients can save drafts
Send questionnaires to patients who aren’t registered or already in your team
Questionnaire templates
Universal Messaging is the ability for patients to message clinical and non-clinical teams
Team-based messaging allows teams to automatically receive secure messages and questionnaires as a group rather than as individuals.
Waiting Well resources
Online patient leaflets
Support group information
Care plans
PKB care plans can be used at every stage of a patient's journey. Below are some of the care plan templates being used.
Living Well for Longer
Monitoring condition plan (example cardiology monitoring care plan)
Enhanced recovery care plan
Appointment letters and appointments sent to PKB via integration
Manually entered appointments
Example goals for WLV teams
Reduce waiting list for the ………… team by December 2025 (... months post admin team go live) from (current waiting list times) to ( %) by validating all patients on the waiting for appointments by sending them a digital questionnaire through PKB instead of by post or not at all. Current waiting list rates are (%). …. months post-going live, the team compared the waiting list of patients with and without a PKB record. It is a local NHS priority to reduce waiting lists to save money.
Further information
Digital support at every stage of the pathway: how can PKB support organisations with their elective care pathways?
Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust uses Patients Know Best for Waiting List Validation case study.
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust's journey with PKB is utilising PKB to capture data ahead of appointments, freeing up capacity. This is being implemented across their surgical pathways.
The Rheumatology Team is seeing cost benefits in using PKB to streamline processes, saving admin time and money.
Waiting well: Prehab, staying well while waiting for surgery/treatment, including resources and information to check the patient’s situation.