Patient Feedback Form
Getting patient feedback on PKB is an essential process for teams and organisations using PKB, checking the efficiency and useability and the opportunities to get feedback to make changes and improvements to their service.
Organisations want to gather feedback from patients using PKB at a organisation and team levels. There may be more features or data that would be useful or ways in which patients are using PKB that the team and organisation hadn't thought of, making them aware of the key features and data patients value most. This can support feature business cases or be used for case studies or awards the organisation is working on.
Surveys or questionnaires can be added in PKB as a link that will redirect patients outside of PKB. The answers from the form or questionnaire will be saved into their chosen system. It's important that patient feedback surveys are not done inside the patient's PKB record and that the answers are anonymous.
Teams and organisations can create a patient feedback questionnaire at any time to evaluate the use of PKB as the digital solution in the pathway.
Feedback surveys can be done through Microsoft Forms or Survey Monkey, etc, and added to the trust welcome message, PKB library, or email to patients. Feedback must be done outside PKB, and the answers must be anonymous.
How to send feedback forms
Send a questionnaire in PKB letting patients know there is a patient feedback questionnaire linked in the library.
Link in Library
Welcome message and or footer
Extract all emails and send them internally from Trust or via MailChimp/Survey Monkey/Mircosoft Forms.
Send via social media the link in PKB.
Patients can join PKB's user research groups and attend our PUG events, and there is also Patient Advisory Group within some of the organisations using PKB as their Personal Health Record solution.
Patient Feedback Questionnaire
Creating an effective patient feedback form involves several key considerations:
Ensure the feedback is useful to the Trust/organisation
Help decide what features or integrations to go live with next
The data collected can be analysed and action taken
Is the patient or staff feedback to support benefits in a case study, business case or to present to stakeholders, if they are the questions need to be focused on the output desired.
Below is some simple guidance to follow when creating a patient feedback form.
The purpose
This is a great opportunity for the organisation and team to review how they are using PKB and to consider future plans for implementing new PKB features, releasing new data feeds or working on new pathways such as Patient initiated follow-up (PIFU) or reducing did not attend appointments (DNAs). It's important to consider that some patients may use PKB exclusively, while others may access their data through the NHS App.
What is the purpose of the feedback form?
Include what the survey/feedback form is for, why are you asking patients to complete it and what you intend to do with the information.
Have clear objectives.
What are you using PKB for in the organisation?
What are the goals and plans for PKB?
Define what you want to achieve with the feedback. Are you seeking insights on overall patient satisfaction, specific services, or particular aspects of care?
Ensure the questions are crafted to gather information that can lead to actionable improvements, support a case study, or demonstrate benefits and outcomes.
Who is the form for? Is it for a specific patient cohort, a particular team speciality, or for all patients in the trust? Focusing on a specific team's speciality may provide more enriched feedback, as the questions can be tailored to the patients within that speciality. For example, you can find out how much time PKB saves patients by asking them if PKB messaging saves you time and how many times they used to call the hospital for information. Once a week or more, once a month, less than once a month. How long was the average call? How long did you wait to speak to who you needed to?
Is the purpose to find out what PKB feature or integration to roll out next?
Question design
Keep questions concise and easy to understand. Avoid medical jargon or complex language that might confuse patients.
Use a mix of closed questions (they are easier to analyse) and open-ended questions to allow more detailed patient feedback. (note: this works best when sent to a cohort of patients rather than to ALL).
Ask if patients are willing to have their quotes used for communications and marketing and if they are open to contacting the team after completing the form.
Thank patients for your time and feedback. Reinforcing their opinions is valued.
Choose the right moment to send the form, six or 12 months post go live. The timing allows patients to reflect on their experience.
Is this a sufficient amount of time for a patient to have a good understanding and experience with PKB
Analysis and reporting
How does the team /trust plan to collect, store, and analyse the feedback?
Determine how the feedback will be reported to relevant stakeholders/business case or case study.
Will those who took the time to complete the survey be able to see the results? If yes, where when and how.
Question to include
Thank you for registering with Patients Know Best (PKB). Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to improve our services continually. Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire to help us understand your satisfaction levels and preferences regarding PKB.
The best approach is to send this type of feedback questionnaire to a group of patients who all receive the same data feeds into their records and utilise the same features in their PKB as the speciality team providing their care.
The questions will vary depending on the focus of the patient form. PKB can assist organisations in formulating questions based on the specific focus.
For instance, if the focus is on what patients want to be able to view in the hospital portal (PKB), here are some example generic questions:
Demographic Information:
Age (single select):
Under 18
Gender (single select):
Prefer not to say
Ethnicity (single select):
White - British
White - Irish
White - Any other White background
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Mixed - White and Black African
Mixed - White and Asian
Mixed - Any other mixed background
Asian or Asian British - Indian
Asian or Asian British-Pakistani
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background
Black or Black British-Caribbean
Black or Black British - African
Black or Black British - Any other Black background
Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese
Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group
Not stated
Not known
Is English your first language?
Main body for the form
How would you rate your IT proficiency (single select)?
How often do you visit the hospital for appointments, scans or procedures?
This is when you really need to target the audience based on what data they have in their record and what PKB feature the team are using with the patients.
More often than once a month
About once a month
Once every three months
Less than six monthly
Less than yearly
How helpful is it to access your health information on PKB? (you can include the data feeds the patient can see in their PKB record, where that is test results, appointments, appointments, clinic and/or discharge letters, diagnosis and medication information. You can also focus this question on care plans, library or even advance questionnaires.
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Somewhat unhelpful
Very unhelpful
Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience using PKB?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
What features do you like most about PKB?
(Open-ended response)
How likely will you recommend PKB to a friend or family member?
1-10 scale (Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Which features do you use on PKB (multi-select):
Blood tests
Radiology reports
Outpatient appointments
Radiology appointments
Adding my own data
Care plans
What would you like to be able to see or do in PKB that you can't already see?
Can have options of features or integrations not already live, i.e. care plans, messaging the booking team, messaging your clinical team, or discharge letters. (can have a word count limit).
(Free text box)
Is there anything else that would be useful to include in PKB?
Have a list of options in brackets to help focus the answers to viable options the Trust and PKB can deliver)
(Free text box)
How did you hear about PKB (Single select):
This is useful if you want to find out where the Trusts comms is working and you want to increase registrations)
Letter from hospital
Word of mouth
Hospital Poster
Digital TV Screen within the Hospital
From my GP
From my Consultant
Text message
Hospital kiosks
Local newspapers
How often do you use PKB (single select):
What information do you add to PKB?
Did you know you can add symptoms, journal entries, blood pressure readings, and step counts?
(text box)
Which of the following do you think would be most useful in PKB (multi-select):
Messaging my clinical team
Link to my video appointment
Library with all relevant information
Individual or condition care plans
Digital questionnaires throughout my treatment
Ability to reschedule/ cancel my appointment.
Do you feel more in control of your health and treatment decisions since using the PKB platform?
Yes, much more in control
Somewhat more in control
Not really
Not at all
How likely are you to use the PKB platform to prepare for your medical appointments?
Very likely
Very unlikely
If you are receiving test results into your PKB record, is it saving you time? Did you used to have to call for them or have a physical appointment?
Not sure
18,b If yes, how?
Free text box
Do you consent to have your comments published anonymously?
Example patient feedback form
Staff experience feedback
When designing a feedback form for staff about using Patients Know Best (PKB) in their service, it's important to gather insights on various aspects, including ease of use, impact on patient care, and any time savings. Here are some questions you could include:
Are you a permanent staff member in the hospital?
If you are a permanent member of the hospital, are you?
Full time
Maternity cover
How would you rate your IT proficiency (single select)?
How frequently do you use PKB in your daily work?
Every day
How would you rate the overall ease of use of PKB?
Very easy
Very difficult
What specific PKB features do you find most useful?
(messaging my patients, viewing their records for letters, test results)
Free text box
Have you encountered any difficulties while using PKB?
(If yes, please describe). Add a word count or supportive text to help focus the answer and make it easier to analyse.
How has PKB affected the quality of care you provide to patients?
Significantly improved
No change
Somewhat worsened
Significantly worsened
In what ways has PKB affected/influenced communication with your patients?
(e.g, improved efficiency, reduced time, improved way of delivering care, more accurate way of delivering information).
(Free text box).
Further information
Patients Know Best - Patient Advisory Group: Register your interest to attend a Patient Advisory Group meeting