Care Coordination Structured Care Plan
Understanding Care Networks in Germany
The Care Networks in Germany facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals. These networks require digital platforms that support secure and efficient care coordination to function effectively.
Key Requirements
German care networks must meet specific digital requirements:
Data security: Compliance with strict regulations.
Interdisciplinary treatment plans: Multi-professional collaboration.
Scheduling and coordination: Shared appointment management.
Secure communication: Messaging for professionals.
Why PKB is the Optimal Solution
PKB has been chosen as it fully meets these needs, enabling seamless care coordination and making it the only viable digital solution for German care networks.
Flexible organisational structure
PKB allows for the creation of an overarching organisation with multiple teams (e.g. psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers).
Each team can have one or more professionals, ensuring seamless collaboration.
Efficient patient journey
Professionals assess patients and obtain consent using PKB’s welcome message.
Treatment planning
Shared treatment plans (e.g., KSV Psych Behandlungsplan) enable seamless collaboration.
Scheduling tools allow professionals to coordinate interdisciplinary meetings.
Secure Communication
Professionals update treatment plans collaboratively during meetings.
PKB’s secure messaging ensures efficient and compliant communication.
Coordinated Structured Care Plan
Coordinated Structured Care is a guideline which was implemented in Germany, aimed at individuals with severe mental health issues. The aim is to enhance the treatment and care of patients who have complex psychiatric or psychotherapeutic needs.
The care plan provides a structured space for professionals to document all clinicians involved in a patient’s care, including the responsible practitioner, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and nurse.
At the bottom of the care plan, free-text fields are available for professionals to outline the plan’s ‘Aims’, ‘Measurements’ detailing which tests are conducted and monitored, as well as the questionnaires administered and ‘Case Meetings’, where notes from case discussions can be recorded.
Outcome Measures
Every professional involved in a patient’s care can view and contribute to their record. Colleagues working with the same patient have access to a shared, multidisciplinary care plan, where updates are tracked over time and visible to all professionals on the platform.
The care team can also utilise the PKB platform as a communication tool and a system for managing multidisciplinary team appointments.
Current Baselines
Currently, professionals work on separate copies of patient records stored across different clinics on paper or in digital systems. There is no unified system for them to collaborate effectively with other professionals in the same patient’s care. This lack of integration makes it difficult to document the patient’s condition, define treatment objectives, and track progress over time.