

PKB software tracks usage. We make these statistics available to customers so that they can monitor adoption of the service.

Statistical Data and Reports

Every week, your PKB success team project manager will send a report of your progress with patients.  You can have real-time access to these reports by providing your project manager with an email address linked to a Google account. This is part of the sustainability workstream in PKB deployments.

Weekly project report

Gives a weekly snapshot of progress across our deployment work-streams. This is the most important single report and shows several workstreams in one view: records, registrations, usages, data and clinical transformation.

Organisations can set targets for registration so that they can measure their progress in giving patients access to their records. Targets can also be set at a regional level. If you would like to set a target for registration or simply access your organisation’s Weekly Project Report, please speak to your PKB Project Manager

Patient registrations

Patient creation and registration, registration pathways, demographic information.

Clinical engagement

Messages, care plans, consultations, professional logins.

Patient login activity

How often patients are using the system and when. This gives teams an understanding of when their patients are most active and whether engagement is increasing.

Break the Glass Dashboard

"Break The Glass stats" contains data on Break The Glass Events. These events are for emergencies in which the patient does not have the capacity to consent and the professional needs access to deliver safe care. PKB emails this weekly to the Privacy Officer alongside providing the dashboard to allow auditing of activity.

Click here to see how to access and view your team's statistics


As described in our privacy notice PKB does not have access to any of the data inside the record. 

PKB simply records the number of transactions i.e. the number of data points and messages added to the PKB record. The transaction reports do not contain patient identities.

The transactions and usage reports are aggregated by customer teams i.e. the transactions for all the patients linked to a single team appear in the reports for that team with no report on an individual patient.

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© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.