Portal Engagement Research

Portal Engagement Research

Portal Engagement Research 


Patients Know Best collaborated with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in 2023 to look at inequalities in the use of the PKB portal in Northwest London. The purpose of this research was to better understand where disparities in the uptake and use of patient portals lie to enable digital teams to work to reduce any inequalities. 


Age / Sex 

  • Younger women were more likely to register than younger men 

  • Older men were more likely to register than older women 

  • Much older men and women were less like to register  


  • The black population were least likely to register

  • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups were next least likely to register

  • White population was most likely to register 


  • English speakers were mostly likely to register, followed by those speaking a European language 

  • Those speaking an African or Asian language were least likely to register 

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 

  • Patients with the lowest wealth were least likely to register 


  1. The black population were less likely to engage with questionnaires  


  1. Acknowledge the problem

  2. Shift to a population-based strategy plus deliver personalised care 

  3. Use Design/data/Ways of working framework 

  4. Create a digital health equality group for Portal to develop these themes


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