Date of last data point

Date of last data point


[Prod Resource]










This operation allows:

  • a System user to query for the last update to one or many patient records.

  • a Patient user type to query for the date of last update to that patient record.

Inbound parameters are supported only if user type is System. Reference 'in' mappings below.

Return date of most recent data point on record. Date returned is data point from any organisation or entered manually to that patient record.

If a data point is deleted then the datetime returned may be earlier than the datetime retrieved from a previous call to the API. The calling system should take this into account.

Data point coverage will be everything excluding

  • Demographics

  • Measurements from a connected device. E.g. a fitbit.

  • Unprocessed data.

  • Consent and privacy label changes

If the scope is Patient

  • Patient is identified from supplied patient scope OAuth 2.0 access token. No request parameters are required.

If the scope is System

  • query by one or many national identifiers to determine the date of the most recent data point on a patient record. OR

  • query by PKB Public ID. This is a PKB-defined UUID. The ID can be retrieved from the PKB proprietary REST API and HL7 QRY^A19 STA.

  • In addition to the OAuth 2.0 access token, the X-Org-Public-Id HTTP header must be provided in the request to specify the organisation that the system is calling on behalf of. The parameter will be the UUID of the PKB organisation.

  • A supplied patientIdentifier must be part of that org or org network. If not then the patientIdentifier is ignored




  • "Patient"








System Scope

  • parameter[0]

  • parameter[1]

    • name = "lastDataPointsResult"

    • use = "out"

    • min = 0

    • max = "100"

    • type = "multi part parameter"

  • parameter[2]

    • name = "patientIdentifier"

    • use = "out"

    • min = 1

    • max = "1"

    • type = "token"

    • part = last-data-point-result

  • parameter[3]

    • name = "lastRecordUpdate"

    • use = "out"

    • min = 0

    • max = "1"

    • type = "datetime"

    • part = last-data-point-result

    • documentation = "The date time in UTC of the most recent data point on record. If the patient account has no data points at all then this is omitted from the response. If a data point is deleted then the datetime may be earlier than the datetime retrieved from an earlier call to this API”

Patient Scope

  • parameter[0]

    • name = "lastRecordUpdate"

    • use = "out"

    • min = 0

    • max = "1"

    • type = "datetime"

    • part = last-data-point-result

    • documentation = "The date time in UTC of the most recent data point on record. If the patient account has no data points at all then this is omitted from the response. If a data point is deleted then the datetime may be earlier than the datetime retrieved from an earlier call to this API”

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