Set up organisations for referral letters SMS workflow
It is possible for organisations to enable a workflow to send SMS to unregistered patients upon receiving a referral letter in their record.
To do so, we need:
an employee to enable the workflow on the UI for the org (cf this guide)
PKB / the org themselves to set up a new service on GOV.UK Notify API webpage (cf this guide)
a dev to add the credentials and sms setup into the database
This page covers the last bullet point. To create new credential and sms properties, the notification service exposes some controllers. (see NotifyCredentialsController
and NotifySmsPropertiesController
) Hence, we only need to send requests with the right parameters to the notification service using curl.
Step 1: connecting to the right cluster
To be able to send requests using curl to the notification service, we need to connect to the right cluster and then forward the notificationservice pod port to our localhost.
Connecting to RC
gcloud container clusters get-credentials sandbox-2 --zone europe-west2-b --project develop-238811
kubectl port-forward deployment/notificationservice -n rc 40000:8080
Connecting to UK Prod
gcloud container clusters get-credentials uk-prod-1 --zone europe-west2-c --project prod-239510
kubectl port-forward deployment/notificationservice -n uk 40000:8080
Step 2: sending a request
Create or update credentials for an organisation
This is what we use to authenticate to the notify API. What you need:
the organisation resourceId (
)the serviceId
the apiKey
Both the serviceId and apiKey are created during the set up of the GOV.UK Notify service. (covered in this guide).
curl -X POST "localhost:40000/notify-credentials?orgResourceId=<some-org-resource-id>&serviceId=<some-uuid>&apiKey=<some-api-key>" -H "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" -v
Revoke credentials
Create or update sms properties
What you need:
the organisation resourceId (
)the templateId
an optional senderId : this allows the org to send SMS from a specific sender display. It is optional. If it is null, the GOV.UK Notify API will use the default sender set up in the service.
Example without senderId:
Step 3: check your call was successful
You only need to read the response from the curl call you just made, however, you can also check the new rows were inserted into the db like so:
From intelliJ, start the appropriate SQL Proxy ('Prod UK - Notification Service' or ‘RC - Notification Service’)
Open a console ('UK - notificationservice' or ‘RC - notificationservice’)
Run one of these queries to check your calls were successfull
Note: if you need to see the history of credentials used you can look into the respective tables in the ‘history’ schema.