Over half of the world’s hearing aids are made by 3 Danish companies (UBS 2019). In 1950 Denmark became the first country in the world to provide hearing aids for free to its citizens (Hindhede 2013). The country combines a comprehensive and generous government welfare system with an innovative and entrepreneurial private sector.
Country’s healthcare system in a nutshell
Denmark’s healthcare system is built on four pillars (Sternberg, 2022):
Universal coverage
Financed by general taxes
Free and equal access
High degree of decentralisation
The system has fully embraced digitalisation. Each region is responsible for storing electronic health record (EHR) data in the region’s data repository. EHR coverage is comprehensive, with healthcare providers legally required to report to these regional repositories. The two EHR systems in use (EPIC and Systematic) operate independently without direct data exchange. The national E-Journal shows healthcare professionals information from the EHRs of other regions (Fragidis & Chatzoglou, 2018; Jensen & Thorseng, 2017; Tikkanen et al., 2020).
Health insurance covers the entire population of ’s health data through Sundhed.dk. It also provides clinical information and guidelines that may not be available in their local EHR. For example, GPs can access hospital EHRs, waiting lists, and contact details for other healthcare professionals (Petersen, 2019).
Challenges and areas for improvement
Despite its many strengths, there are still areas where the system could improve to further enhance patient engagement and functionality.
The inability for patients to connect personal health devices, such as home monitoring devices, to their records.
Patients cannot currently add their own health data to their medical records.
Most used services
Laboratory results (Corona test results included)
Patient journal
Medicine card
Patient & Doctors handbook
Image descriptions
Find a practitioner
(The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, 2022)
Nordics NPS and knowledge
Net Promoter Score*: 21 (2021)
96% has heard of sundhed.dk (2021)
In comparison to other Northern European countries for context:
Net Promoter Score*: 52 (2020)
Second most respected web site (2020)
Net Promoter Score*: 48 (2021)
97% has heard of Helsenorge (2021)
Net Promoter Score*: 45 (2021)
99% has heard of 1177 (2020)
*Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a tool to measure customer likelihood to recommend a company, a product or a service to a friend or colleague.
-100-0: Bad
0-30: Good
30-70: Very good
70-100: Excellent
(The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, 2022)
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Hindhede, A and Larsen, K, 2019. The rise and fall of audiology in Denmark, 1950-2010. Available at https://praktiskegrunde.dk/2013/praktiskegrunde(2013-1+2f)hindhede-larsen.pdf (accessed 2 November 2024).
Jensen, T.B. and Thorseng, A.A., 2017. Building national healthcare infrastructure: the case of the Danish e-health portal. In Information Infrastructures within European Health Care: Working with the Installed Base, pp.209-224. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK543679/ (accessed 25 July 2024).
Nielsen, N.B., Sekkal, C.K. and Yoganathan, S., 2021. Online Investigations on Optimizing the Danish Health Portal Sundhed.dk. In Context Sensitive Health Informatics: The Role of Informatics in Global Pandemics, pp.89-93. IOS Press. Available at: https://ebooks.iospress.nl/doi/10.3233/SHTI210644 (accessed 3 November 2024).
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Sundhed.dk, 2023. Background. Available at: https://www.sundhed.dk/borger/service/om-sundheddk/om-organisationen/ehealth-in-denmark/background/ (accessed 25 July 2024).
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Tikkanen, R., Osborn, R., Mossialos, E., Djordjevic, A. and Wharton, G.A., 2020. International Health Care System Profiles - Denmark. The Commonwealth Fund. Available at: https://www.commonwealthfund.org/international-health-policy-center/countries/denmark (accessed 25 July 2024).
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