FAQs - Document Feed (HL7)





How does the delay to a document being visible work?

A number of days for which a document should not be visible to a patient can be specified in the message (in OBX-13.1).

A patient will see they have a document but be unable to access it.

The delay is not based on days from when a message is sent but is instead worked out on the days from a supplied timestamp in the below order.

  • Edit timestamp TXA-8.1 -- If the edit timestamp is provided, the delay is applied from that date, regardless of the other timestamp values.

  • Transcription timestamp TXA-7.1 -- If the edit timestamp is blank, then the transcription timestamp is used.

  • Origination timestamp TXA-6.1 -- If the edit and transcription timestamps are blank, then the origination timestamp is used.

  • Activity timestamp TXA-4.1 -- If all other timestamps are blank, the activity timestamp is used.

Why is the patient class important?

The patient class is used to display the appropriate icon and label within the Events & Messages section for the “type” of patient the document relates to. For example, Inpatient, Outpatient, Home visit, Emergency etc.
If no patient class is included, the icon defaults to the icon used for online communication and the label "Online communication" appears after the document name. If a class is provided in PV1-2, the icon and encounter wording are more meaningful for the patient.

When should the value APPLICATION be used in OBX-5.2?

This is used when sending an MSWORD document

What is auto create?

If auto create is enabled (configured by PKB against the organisation), a patient demographic record will be created from the PID detail in the MDM message where an existing patient record can not be found by matching the identifiers provided. (Assuming PID details conforms to minimum requirements.)

Do letters and documents have to be sent to PKB in a pdf format? If not, what other formats are available? Can we send documents in HTML format?

We support the sending of base64 encoded .doc, .docx, .rtf and .pdf files. We do not support the sending of HTML files

Once a letter/document is sent to PKB, does the 'message id' have to be visible?

We display the id to aid with support issues.

How does PKB handle updates to letters/documents?

Our document update behaviour on receipt of an MDM T02 is as follows:

For the patient record matched via the id in the PID segment we look to match a document on the Unique document number as derived from TXA-12.1

If we find a previously sent document that matches on unique document number then we replace it. The existing document is replaced in its entirety with the values provided in this message. A partial update is not performed and no history of the replaced document or that a replacement has taken place is displayed.

If there is no match on Unique document number then a new document is added.

To remove / delete a previously sent document, a MDM T11 message can be sent. Again, for the patient record matched via the id in the PID segment we look to match a document on the Unique document number as derived from TXA-12.1 and then remove if found. No history of this would be displayed in the UI, the doucment would just not be there anymore.