Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Example request (raw)

curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header “x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314” "location --request POST '$send-questionnaire-request" --data "{ \"resourceType\":\"Parameters\", \"parameter\":[ { \"name\":\"target\", \"valueReference\":{ \"reference\": \”Patient/a81e46b1-f953-4599-9721-81e66aa67c34”\: } ,{\"name\":\"notificationFlag\", \"valueCode\":\”True”\ ] }"

Differences between the current and new API calls

Current API call for triggering a questionnaire request

curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header "X-Org-Public-Id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314" "https:' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "additionalIdentifier",
            "valueIdentifier": {
                "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:4122",
                "value": "urn:uuid:d32f494f-6925-46df-afa4-022df650c1b8"
            "name": "notificationFlag",
            "valueCode": "true"

Differences between the current and new API calls

Current API call for triggering a questionnaire request

curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Content-Type: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header "X-Org-Public-Id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314" "$send-questionnaire-request" --data "{ \"resourceType\":\"Parameters\", \"parameter\":[ { \"name\":\"target\", \"valueReference\":{ \"identifier\":{ \"system\":\"\", \"value\":\"5193233945\" } } }, { \"name\":\"requestor\", \"valueReference\":{ \"reference\":\"Practitioner/bdaa24d0-3cd5-469c-aa69-db676fa31bbe\" } }, { \"name\":\"notificationFlag\", \"valueCode\":\"EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED\" }, { \"name\":\"additionalIdentifier\", \"valueIdentifier\":{ \"system\":\"\":\"\", \"value\":\"294672281\" } } ] }"

New API call for triggering a questionnaire request

curl --location --request POST '\", \"value\":\"294672281\" } } ] }"

New API call for triggering a questionnaire request

curl -X POST --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "$send-questionnaire-request' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header “x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314” "$send-questionnaire-request" --data "{ \"resourceType\":\"Parameters\", \"parameter\":[ { \"name\":\"target\", \"valueReference\":{ \"reference\": \”Patient/a81e46b1-f953-4599-9721-81e66aa67c34”\: } ,{\"name\":\"notificationFlag\", \"valueCode\":\”True”\ ] }"json' \
--data-raw '{
    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "additionalIdentifier",
            "valueIdentifier": {
                "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:4122",
                "value": "urn:uuid:d32f494f-6925-46df-afa4-022df650c1b8"
            "name": "notificationFlag",
            "valueCode": "true"

Summary of the differences


  1. Generate an access token using the client credentials OAuth2.0 grant type, using the PKB access token url and the client id and client secret that have been generated for your PKB Organisation. If you do not have these credentials, please speak to your Success PM.

    1. This example assumes you have been granted an access token of: aaaaa-bbbbb

  2. Confirm the ID of the team. You can request this from the PKB support team (available via API in the future).

    1. This example assumes you have a team ID (x-team-id) of: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314

    Make the call as detailed below, replacing the access token and in the future).

    1. This example assumes you have a team ID (x-team-id

    with your own values.
  3. A bundle of Questionnaire resources will be returned


    1. ) of: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314

  1. Make the call as detailed below, replacing the access token and x-team-id with your own values.

  2. A bundle of Questionnaire resources will be returned

curl --location --request GET '"

To search for a specific questionnaire using its ID, make the following call:

 curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header "x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314" “/fhir/Questionnaire' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \

To search for a specific questionnaire using its ID, make the following call:

curl --location --request GET '"-30e5f675b0f2' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \

This will return the Questionnaire resource with the ID bd17e556-20e3-4f01-8078-30e5f675b0f2, as long as the team represented by the x-team-id is authorised to retrieve it.


New API call for searching for a Questionnaire

 curl curl --X GET location --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header "request GET '' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314" “"' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \

Summary of the differences


  1. Generate an access token using the client credentials OAuth2.0 grant type, using the PKB access token url and the client id and client secret that have been generated for your PKB Organisation. If you do not have these credentials, please speak to your Success PM.

    1. The example below assumes you have been granted an access token of: aaaaa-bbbbb

  2. Confirm the ID of the team. You can request this from the PKB support team (available via API in the future).

    1. This example assumes you have a team ID (x-team-id) of: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314

  3. Make the call as detailed below, replacing the access token and x-team-id your own values

  4. A bundle of QuestionnaireResponse resources will be returned

curl --X GET location --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb" --header “xrequest GET '' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314” ""' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \

Differences between the current and new API calls


New API call for searching for QuestionnaireResponse resources

curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/fhir+json" --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGxxxx" --header “x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314” "curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-team-id: 235a397b-1ae8-4755-9c77-1a0e2fbc5314' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer aaaaa-bbbbb' \

Summary of the differences
