Published outcomes - statistics
The latest statistics are from the 19th of April 2021 and are available at https://web.archive.org/web/20210419151255/https://e-egeszsegugy.gov.hu/web/eeszt-information-portal/the-role-of-the-eeszt-in-hungarian-healthcare
“Today, more than 26 thousand health professionals and 13 thousand pharmacy staff uses the system in Hungary. Starting from 2020, more than 22,000 institutions have access to the EESZT infrastructure, including private service providers.
This number breaks down as follows:
There are more than 6000 active general medical practicioners, as well as:
more than 300 outpatient institutions
more than 100 inpatient institutions
more than 3000 pharmacies
more than 8800 private healthcare institutions
The details of more than 600 million receipts have been entered into the EESZT.
An average of 800,000 new electronic prescriptions (ePrescription) are ordered daily.
By June 2020, there was a 90% increase in the monthly prescription of electronic prescriptions.
Annually, 75 million medical documents (e.g. medical records, outpatient data sheets, discharge summaries) and approximately 180 million doctor-patient appointments are recorded online in the EESZT system in Hungary. This amounts to a daily average of 300,000 medical documents recorded in the Infrastructure.”
(EESZT Information portal, 2021)
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