Versions Compared


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(Hägglund and Scandurra, 2022)


Image RemovedThe following table, from Cijvat, Cornet and Hägglund, 2021 (Table 4), shows “Barriers on the local implementation level”




Systems and suppliers

Technical limitations of systems

High costs for connecting small EHR systems

Testing prior to implementation necessary

Difficult requisites for connecting to the HIE

Limitations in choice and possibilities of systems

Large dependency on software suppliers

Alignmentof systems necessary but difficult

Systems and suppliers determine achievement of VIPP (VIPP programme is an initiative in the Netherlands designed to enhance the exchange of information between patients and healthcare professional)

Social and organisational

Resistance and fears from physicians

Changing HCPs' routines, workflows and attitudes

Physicians' reluctance, resistance and fears

CHanging HCPs' political status and workflow

Effects on hospitals' culture and work processes

Fears for patients' confusion, questions, fears

Gradual implementation necessary to keep physicians on board


High costs for connecting to HIE

Time-consuming decision making due to flexibility in NRF

VIPP requires a lot of human work

Human work leads to high costs

Too little time to make VIPP’s deadlines

Policies, laws and regulations

Some VIPP goals are difficult to accomplish

Strict privacy regulations not in patiants' interests

Strict security rules impede user-friendliness


Gradual approach necessary to get all stakeholders on board

Flexibility in choosing EHR systems in some countries but only one supported

Gradual implementation to keep physicians on board

VIPP has no or low priority

The following table, from Cijvat, Cornet and Hägglund, 2021 (Table 3), shows “Barriers on the national level”



The Netherlands

Systems and suppliers

Authentication methods

Difficulties in measuring hospitals' progress

Social and organisational

Resistance and fears from physicians



Financing the development of Journalen

Too little time to take precautions for physicians' resistance


Policies, laws and regulations

Include electable rules to make progress

Electable rules caused confusion and inequality for users

Givinc patients direct on line access to record was illegal when the PAEHR Journalen was first introduced in 2002

Challenging to define goals adequately for desired outcomes

Challenging to estimate reasonable usage percentages

Slow development of other national programs

Effects of barriers


Restrictions on information that is diplayed


Published outcomes - statistics
