The notificationFlag parameter is optional and can be used to suppress patient email notifications by including it with the value ‘DISABLE“DISABLE_PATIENT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION”. If you do not want to disable patient email notifications, do not include the notificationFlag parameter in the API call. If the parameter is included with any value other than “DISABLE_PATIENT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION’NOTIFICATION”, an error will be returned.
Example request URL
Code Block |
POST https://aggregated-fhir.sandbox.patientsknowbest.com/fhir/Questionnaire/bd17e556-20e3-4f01-8078-30e5f675b0f2/$send-questionnaire-request |
Code Block |
{ "resourceType": "Parameters", "parameter": [ { "name":"target", "valueReference":{ "identifier":{ "system":"https://fhir.nhs.uk/Id/nhs-number", "value":"5193233945" } } }, { "name": "notificationFlag", "valueCode": "DISABLE_PATIENT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION" } ] } |
If you do not want to disable patient email notifications, do not include the notificationFlag parameter in the API call. If the parameter is included with any value other than “DISABLE_PATIENT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION”, an error will be returned.
Searching for a Questionnaire resource