The current supply and demand of healthcare in every health system are unsustainable. People are living longer, and developing multiple chronic conditions, which are increasingly lifestyle-related diseases and diseases that require self-management. PKB allows true self-management by providing a patient with their record, and tools to work with their specialty teams. Each specialty team is different, with its own sets of pressures, requirements, targets, and ambitions. We commit to providing clinical expertise to support each individual team in designing a workflow with PKB that complements their patient’s pathways and allows the benefits of digital, patient-centred, remote care to be realised.
What's included in this toolkit:
How PKB can support National pathway priorities: PIFU, Waitlist Validation, Outpatient Optimisation, Perioperative, Waiting well, eMeet and Greet and eMeet and Greet Enhanced
PKB Perioperative pathway: how PKB can be the digital solution at every stage of the periop pathway
Key features: how and why to set up universal messaging, the Central Library, use care plans and questionnaires and share test results with your patients
Speciality areas: how PKB is being used by different specialities, including workflows, case studies and key features
Speciality team roll out: the benefits of using PKB, how to create SMART goals and map workflows for your team's use of PKB
Care plan toolkit: a guide to care plan creation and template examples of care plans being used by patients and teams
Questionnaires toolkit: a guide to PKB questionnaires with example templates used by patients and teams
Clinical engagement insight blog: why clinical engagement is key at every stage