Organisations want patient data from an App stored in PKB to enable visibility for clinicians
Patients need a copy of their App data in PKB to help them manage their health safely and efficiently.
Patient facing Apps can be enriched / enhanced with the data extracted from a patients PKB record
The App wants to enable patients to seamlessly access their PKB record via a Single Sign On process.
Apps enable the sending and extracting of data between themselves and PKB by linking a patients PKB record to a specific App user. This is achieved through a one off “access grant process” performed by the patient, that once completed facilities the use of PKB’s APIs. Sending data to PKB can ensure that all those engaged in a patients care can have access to that information and see it in context with data from other sources, such as their hospital or GP.
PKB provides extensive API capabilities to enable 3rd parties to integrate with us.
Clicking on an information link below will take you to a resource page that explains in detail how that requirement can be achieved using our APIs.
Link a PKB record to an App User
Patient grants access - enabling a PKB record to be “linked” to an App user
Patient demographic retrieval - enabling retrieval of patient demographics and identifiers
Link a patient to the partner's PKB organisation - enables further use of PKB’s FHIR APIs to send and retrieve a patient’s data.
Send data via HL7 API
Send data via FHIR API
Extract PKB data via FHIR API
Examples of how other partners have implemented a similar workflow are in our manual: