Partner integrations with Patients Know Best

Partner integrations with Patients Know Best

PKB welcomes integrations with partners.


Integration allows PKB and the partner to deliver a better service to customers and better care for patients. In the UK, 4.6 million patients are registered to use PKB and 25% log in at least once a month. Every month, PKB releases data including 20 million new test results, and 100,000 new patients register. PKB is integrated into the NHS App in 19 of England’s 42 ICS regions, with more on the way, and will be available in the NHS Wales App later in the year.

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Integration with PKB means that patients have more data in their PKB records, and the data is more widely available to the parties looking after each patient. PKB’s APIs allow writing to and reading from the PKB record. PKB’s platform handles security, consent and audit logs for all the data.


To join PKB’s listed partners, there are three steps: commercial sign-off; clinical architecture; technical integration.


Commercial sign-off

We prioritise integrations that deliver the most data to the most patients. Please complete this form so our commercial team can start the prioritisation conversation with you.

PKB is happy to sign a mutual NDA with any partners. Please sign the mutual NDA below:


Clinical architecture

Once approved for commercial sign-off, the PKB clinical architecture team will work with your product team on the user journey.

  1. We will have a discovery call to see what’s possible with a technical integration.

  2. Both companies agree dates to plan the integration, begin development, and go live. We require these dates to ensure both PKB and yourselves can effectively allocate resources and coordinate efforts, helping ensure the success of our partnership without any unnecessary delays.

  3. PKB will share with you a Project Initiation Document (PID). This is a shared editable Google document. We will need google accounts for each employee working on this integration. Each employee’s email address must be tied to their work email addresses so they can receive notifications on the work address. Google accounts tied to work addresses are free to create here.

  4. The PKB team will schedule a kick-off clinical integration call with you. In this call, we will go through the PID and agree workflows.

  5. PKB’s clinical architecture team will work with your product team to complete the PID, including mapping between your product’s data structures and PKB’s FHIR data structures.



Technical integration

Once the clinical architecture is approved and a date for development is agreed, the PKB integrations team will provide your product team with the appropriate PKB API calls and credentials on the PKB sandbox server.

  1. The PKB integrations team will create an end-to-end testing document. As with the PID, this is a shared editable Google document. We will need google accounts for each employee working on this integration. Each employee’s email address must be tied to their work email addresses so they can receive notifications on the work address. Google accounts tied to work addresses are free to create here.

  2. Your product team should complete the testing document with step-by-step screenshots and explanations of every part of the user journey across your product and PKB. PKB will ask questions in the document using the email addresses of members of your product team.

  3. Once this asynchronous testing is complete, PKB will schedule a slot for synchronous witness testing. This will be a Google Meet video call and we will need you to share your screen with every stage of your product, including mobile devices that the patient would use. The PKB clinical architecture team and the integrations team will attend the meeting. We will record the meeting and share feedback.

  4. After witness testing is signed off the PKB integrations team will provide credentials for PKB’s production servers.




As soon as your testing is signed off, you can work with the PKB commercial team on our joint communications plan.