PUG 2022/09

PUG 2022/09

Thursday 22nd September 2022 1pm - 3pm

Mental Health User Group

Thank you to all the participants who attended our September PKB User Group (PUG) where we focussed the discussions around the use of PKB with Mental Health teams and their service users.

Representatives attended from:

East London NHS Foundation Trust

St Patricks Mental Health Services

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

The purpose of the event was to bring teams together to discuss shared learning, best practice and how they are deploying PKB within their own organisations. It was a really useful session to find out what was working well with their service users and what needed further thought and planning.

Main areas of discussion:

  • Messaging

  • Consultations (primarily the requirements for scoring in consultations)

  • Carer functionality

  • Integrations