HL7 message source

HL7 message source

What is the HL7 message source?

When data is sent into PKB via a HL7 message we display the source next to the data point. The source shows which organisation (or third party on behalf of an organisation) has sent the data into the record. To learn more about sending data to PKB on behalf of an organisation, please read our developer wiki page.

Where is the source information for HL7 messages displayed?

We display the source for a number of data points within PKB, these are listed below:

  1. Diagnosis/Allergies

  2. Measurements

  3. Tests

  4. Imaging

  5. Medicines

  6. Appointments

What will be shown if data is sent from a partner?

The source text for a datapoint will read [Partner name] on behalf of [Org name]


What will be shown if data is via another organisation?

The source text for a datapoint will read [Connecting org name] on behalf of [Org name]



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