FAQs - Care Plans (Sending) Feed (HL7)

FAQs - Care Plans (Sending) Feed (HL7)





Can I delete a care plan that is sent via HL7?

No, but you can send in another version, matching on TXA-12.1, that removes the information previously sent.  Those previous versions will always be visible in the PKB GUI.

How do I update a care plan that I’ve previously sent in?

Send in another message, using the same TXA-12.1 care plan id.  When PKB matches on that id, the existing care plan is replaced in its entirety with the values provided in the new message.  A partial update is not performed.  The previous Care Plan is retained as an older version and can be viewed in the UI.

How is the title of the care plan specified in the message?

The name specified in OBX-3.2 is used as the care plan name.  The name can change from one version to the next.

What format can care plans be sent as?

Either HTML or PDF is accepted.  HTML is preferred because patients have a better viewing experience in PKB’s UI when viewing on a mobile device.

Can care plans sent in via HL7 be edited in PKB’s UI?

The Red, Amber, and Green sections of the plan are editable, but the Action plan part is not.

Can a care plan have a specialty other than General Health?

Yes, by including a Hospital Service code in PV1-10 the care plan can be mapped to the applicable privacy label per specialty. 

Can measurements, lab results, or symptoms be pulled into plans sent via HL7?

No, these are only available to be added to plans that are created via a template in PKB’s UI.

How do I make sure that my MDM^T02 message is recognised as a Care Plan and not a Document?

You must always use the document type CP in the TXA-2.1 field. This means the system will recognise that the message contains a Care Plan, rather than a document.

If I send a PDF Care Plan, will a preview be visible to the patient in the PKB GUI?

Yes. A preview will always be available to the patient (the TXA-16.1 ‘Filename’ field is not required for Care plans, like it is for Documents). 

Can a trust trigger the use or provision of a Care Plan template on PKB via API from a trigger in their PAS

No, there is no current API that will enable you to trigger the sending or providing of a CP via API. Our HL7 APIs allow you to send in a Care Plan (for example as a PDF or HTML) which will be “read only” in our UI. With the “edit” capability for patients to complete the Green, Amber, Red textual boxes.
Note: We do have REST APIs to enable the extraction of Care Plan data.