Entity: Appointment web specification


This page provides more detail on how the web interface displays appointment information, which it fetches from the Aggregated FHIR API. Note:

  • Whilst this page explains which elements are inspected, the web interface does not provide any feedback about which/whether other FHIR elements are present in the database that are not being displayed.

  • Some information is displayed that is not fetched from the Aggregated FHIR API, such as the External Management URL.

The Manual provides more information on the functionality; this page is aimed at a technical audience who need to understand the relationship between the FHIR resources and the web interface.

FHIR® Resources

The web interface populates Appointments from the following FHIR resources:


The web interface shows a list of appointments. These are separated into “Upcoming” and “Past”.

Clicking on an appointment in the list shows a detailed view for that specific appointment.






The following information is shown in both the summary screen and the detailed screen.


status code mappings (FHIR → PKB):

  • cancelled → CANCELLED

  • noshow → DNA

  • <otherwise> → ACTIVE






The PKB web interface will identify an appointment location by searching for an Appointment.participant.actor Reference which is either:

  • Of type Location

  • Or contains the appointment-actor-type extension with a value of “Location”.

    • Note: since the Reference.type element is not available in STU3, then an STU3 reference to an appointment location must contain this extension in order for the web interface to populate the location information.

Once the reference to the Location has been found then we will use the display element to show as the location text. The reference itself is not followed.



Note: this value is potentially modified by the PKB Enricher when the resource is retrieved. If a Customer has configured a code set for hospital specialty codes then this value will represent the display name currently associated with Appointment.specialty[0].coding[0].code.

This name may differ from the display name at the time the resource was stored.

See also: FHIR FAQs: PKB Enricher


The participant list will be a concatenation of internal and external participants.

Internal participants

Any Appointment.participant.actor reference, which is not a location (see above) and which has a reference to a resource type other than Patient, is considered to be an internal participant. The reference will not be followed, but the display value will be used as the name to display in the web interface.

External participants

Any Appointment.participant.actor reference, which is not a location (see above) and which has neither a reference nor a type but does have a display name, is considered to be an external participant. The display value will be used as the name to display in the web interface.

The following information is shown in the detailed screen only.





Type code
