FAQs - Patient Registration Status (HL7)
A19 HL7 DEM or APN
Question | Response |
Can PKB provide more demographics than the IDs, name, date of birth and postcode? | No. IDs, Name, Date of Birth and Postcode are the only demographics which can be provided in the A19 responses. |
I want to pull patient demographics. Do I have to use the DEM filter? | Even though patient demographics will be returned when using either the DEM, APN or STA filter. We recommend using the DEM or APN filter as they are the most appropriate if the aim is to obtain demographics. The exception to this will be if you need to limit the number of rows returned from a single query, as this is only supported with the STA filter. |
I want to pull demographics on a patient by patient basis. Is this possible? | Yes. When using the DEM filter, you can specify individual patients that you want to pull demographics for. |
When pulling demographics, what are the differences between the DEM and the APN filters? | DEM can be used to obtain:
Any patients without any IDs (national or local) in PKB will not be included.
APN can only be used to obtain:
Any patients without any IDs (national or local) in PKB will be included. |
Can I use the QRY^A19 API to find out which patients are in a specific team in the PKB organisation? | No. However there are non HL7 APIs which are available for pulling this information. |
I’ve included a date filter in an APN demographic query, but it does not work. Why is this? | The date filter (used to restrict the response to only include patients with demographics created or updated after a specific date) can only be used with the DEM filter. If a QRF segment with a date is included in an APN query, it will not cause a failure, but will be silently ignored. |
We can only handle a response with a limited amount of rows in it. Is there a way to restrict the number of rows returned? | When pulling demographics no, unless you only pull demographics for one patient at a time. |
Question | Response |
Can PKB provide more demographics than the IDs, name, date of birth and postcode? | No. IDs, Name, Date of Birth and Postcode are the only demographics which can be provided in the A19 responses. |
Can we pull registration status without getting all the demographics as well? | No. PKB will always provide the patients IDs, names, date of birth and postcode, if they are held against the PKB record. |
I want to pull registration status on a patient by patient basis. Is this possible? | No, not with the HL7 A19 query. When obtaining registration status from PKB, it is only possible to filter on date or registration status. There is an alternative FHIR API which may be used to pull registration status per patient, if needed. |
I’m pulling registration status. Why are some patients being returned multiple times? | A patient record will be repeated in the query response when a patient is in more than one PKB Team within your PKB Organisation. I.e. if a patient is in two teams then the response will include two pairs of PID/ZID segments for the one patient record. If the caller wishes to filter out the repeating results then they should inspect ZID-1.1 which is a unique UUID for a patient record (independent of Team association) and remove duplicates before processing the records locally. |
Can I use the QRY^A19 API to find out the registration status of patients in a specific team in my PKB organisation? | No. However there are non HL7 APIs to pull a list of patients in a team and you can then use the A19 to query the registration status of each one. |
I’m pulling registration status. Why is the response from PKB truncated? | This happens when the number of rows PKB needs to return to you exceeds the number of rows which can be included in an individual response (10,000). You will know that the response has been truncated because it will have a DSC segment at the end. |
When a response is truncated, how do I get PKB to return the remaining patients? | You need to make another API call, but this time take the UUID and timestamp from the last ZID segment in the previous truncated response and add these into the QRF segment in your next call. Depending on the number of patients to be returned, this process may need to be followed multiple times. |
I’ve received a truncated response and sent a second query to get the next group of patients in the list. However the first patient in the second response is the same as the last patient in the first response. Is this normal? | Yes, this does happen when having to obtain a large list of patients over multiple truncated responses. These should be dealt with as any other duplicate patient rows. |
We can only handle a response with a limited amount of rows in it. Is there a way to restrict the number of rows in a response from PKB? | When pulling registration status yes. You can use the QRD-7 segment to specify the maximum number of rows that PKB can include in a response. However, be aware that doing so may increase the number of truncated responses that you will have to deal with. |