Country’s healthcare system in a nutshell
The national PHR
The National eHealth Infrastructure and its specialised modules were established within the framework of projects no. TIOP-2.3.2-12/1-2013-0001 and TIOP-2.3.1-13/1-2013-0001 under the social infrastructure operating programme with support from the European Union and co-funding by the Hungarian State, with a total investment of 4.87 billion Hungarian forints. Continuous development of the system is ensured by forms close cooperation of the Hungarian State and the European Union such as project no. 1.9.6 of the Human Resource Development Operating Programme / EFOP of Hungary.
Establishing the EESZT infrastructure was a significant milestone in the history of Hungary’s e-healthcare.
The core principal of the system is to interconnect the earlier fragmented health care data systems in all of Hungary, and - taking into account foreign examples - collect all data in a central system, thus the operating services of the Infrastructure would allow the various treatment locations to access the necessary information. Another important objective was to provide modern central services such as subsystems for issuing electronic receipts, electronic referrals and medical documents, or the eProfile, which facilitate the wide-spread adoption of modern health care.
The use of EESZT is mandatory from November 2017 for publicly funded healthcare providers and pharmacies. For non-publicly funded healthcare providers – in the case of private providers who are obligated to provide data to the central implant registry and the prosthesis registry – as well as for the National Ambulance Service, it is mandatory from November 1, 2018. Thus, data will only be entered into the Space after joining, and previous patient data is not yet visible in EESZT. Private providers who have a valid operating license and perform outpatient medical or dental activities have a data reporting obligation to EESZT from 06.01.2020.
The National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT) is a central IT system which has set the foundations for ensuring communication between healthcare service providers.
The EESZT system transfers the health data of every patient to a central database which the various health professional can consult through the corresponding hospital, general practitioner or pharmacy systems with the appropriate authorisation.
As well as professionals, also patients can access their personal medical data, through the citizen portal.
The features are:
you can book an appointment related to taking a COVID vaccination
The EgészségAblak mobile application displays ePrescriptions, health documents, as well as the EU vaccination certificate, the EU test certificate and the EU health certificate
All events when you used healthcare in outpatient and inpatient specialist care facilities or at family doctor services appear in your ‘Event Catalog’. The data is uploaded by the institutions treating you.
You can see eReferrals
You can continuously monitor who has requested access to your data (your GP and treating clinicians have access), and you can set which EESZT event you request an e-mail notification from the system. The data displayed for treating physicians depends on the settings, permissions, and restrictions made during self-determination. More info here
You can see ePrescriptions
You can view your health documents in the EgészséAblak mobile application. The findings, outpatient records, and final reports of your health care can be viewed and downloaded at any time from the EESZT.
eProfile: the never or rarely changing health data uploaded by your doctor will be uploaded, which affect your health and which can even be life-saving in case of emergency care. Such health data is, for example, information about allergies, pregnancy, and implanted implants.
You can see test results
The platform is in read-only mode for patients, who cannot add data to any of the sections.
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