How to register
Below are some steps on how to register for your PKB record. If you get stuck at any point you can contact our support team who will be able to help you.
There are several ways to register for PKB:
If you received a text message
If you received a postal letter
If you received an email with a link
Registering with NHS login
This step by step guide is for patients who wish to register for a new or existing Patients Know Best record.
Click 'Log in with NHS login' from PKB log in page
You will be directed to the NHS login sign in page
Enter your email and click continue
*If your email is not linked to an existing NHS login, you will be automatically taken through the steps to create one.Enter your NHS login password & you will be sent a One Time Password (OTP) to your mobile phone.
Enter the OTP and click continue
You will now need to agree to share your NHS login information with PKB
You will be shown a registration form to complete. The form requires you to set up a password and security question for your PKB account & enter your address .
Remember to accept both the User Agreement & Privacy Policy for PKB.
Complete the form and click next and you will be signed into PKB with your NHS login.
If you do not have an NHS login, please visit our dedicated NHS App and NHS login page for more information.
If you received a text message
Steps to register:
You should receive a text message from the health organisation caring for you that contains a URL to PKB’s registration pages plus some codes that are unique to you and your account.
Click on the link and enter the codes provided in the text message into the ‘Invite code’ and ‘Access code’ fields. Depending on which organisation invites you, you may be sent a URL that already pre-populates the fields with these codes.
Complete the rest of the registration form and click ‘Next’
You will now get a confirmation on screen that we have emailed you to complete your registration. Once you receive this, click the link and enter the password you created, to log in.
Your account is now active!
If you make a mistake you can start again using your invite code and access code. These codes will expire 10 weeks after creation if not used. As soon as they are used, they will become invalid, meaning no one else can use them to create a record - they are completely unique to you.
My codes have expired
If your Invite and Access codes have expired, you can still register for your PKB account using NHS login (instructions are above). You can also contact the PKB support team.
If you received a postal letter
Follow the steps below or watch the video:
Steps to register:
You will need the letter you received by post from your hospital to register. Go to the registration page on your internet browser by entering the web page URL which is in the letter, or by scanning the QR code provided.
A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, this code can be read by most modern mobile devices connected to the internet and should automatically open the registration page when scanned using the devices camera.On the registration page you will need to enter the invite token and access token, confirm your date of birth, provide and confirm your email address.
Next choose a password, one that is hard to guess but you can remember. Select a security question and type in your answer. You will need to remember this if you ever need to reset your password.
Click on the Privacy Policy and User Agreement to read, tick the boxes to accept and click 'Next'
You will now get a confirmation on screen that we have emailed you to complete your registration. Once you receive this click the link and enter the password you just created, to log in.
Your account is now active!
If you make a mistake you can start again using your invite code and access code. These codes will expire 10 weeks after creation if not used. As soon as they are used, they will become invalid, meaning no one else can use them to create a record - they are completely unique to you.
My codes have expired
If your Invite and Access codes have expired, you can still register for your PKB account using NHS login (instructions are above). You can also contact the PKB support team.
If you received an email with a link
Follow the steps below or watch the video:
Steps to register:
You will need an email invitation from your clinical team. Click and follow the link in the email invitation to go to the registration page.
Click on the Privacy Policy and User Agreement to read, tick the boxes to accept and click 'Next'.
Confirm your Date of birth on the screen and fill out the rest of your details.
Choose a good password, one that is hard to guess but you can remember. Select a security question and type in your answer. You will need to remember this if you ever need to reset your password.
Click the 'Next' button to complete the registration and you will be redirected to the login page. Type in your email address and password to log in.
Your account is now active!
The link in your email will never expire - you can always use it to register. If you lose or delete the email, the team who invited you can send an email reminder which will resend you the link.
Frequently asked questions
Why is the password so complicated?
PKB follows the current OWASP and NCSC recommendations for password security. Please click here for more information.
Password managers, such as 1Password or LastPass, are a way to create and store usernames and passwords for multiple websites. This means you can use a more unique and hard-to-guess password for your PKB account without having to remember it. 1Password offers PKB users a discount; more information can be found by clicking here.
What’s an Invite Code?
An Invite code is an automatically generated code by your hospital which allows you to register via an email link sent from your hospital. It is automatically pre-populated when registering via email link.
If you have received a postal letter to register please open up the form in your Internet Browser and enter the invite and access code into the dedicated boxes on the registration form. Please note that the codes are case sensitive and they need to be entered exactly as displayed in the letter.
I tried entering my access code but it doesn’t work
The code is case sensitive so capital and lower case letters need to be entered exactly. Click here to contact PKB support if you need any assistance or register with NHS login instead.
How long will my token work for?
Tokens are in the form of either a QR code (on a postal letter) or a SMS code. The codes will expire in 10 weeks from the day you received your email invitation to register.
I didn’t receive a registration email
Please check your Junk/Spam folder, sometimes the registration email ends up there. If you still cannot find the email click here to contact PKB support for help.
I cannot click on the registration link in the invitation to register email.
Sometimes email providers block the links in the emails. If the registration link in the email is not clickable, try to copy and paste the URL address from the registration invitation email to your internet browser.
The registration page is showing the wrong Date of Birth/Address/Name
Please contact your clinicians at the hospital and they will be able to correct your record details on PKB and you will be able to proceed with your registration. You are also able to change your own details once registered by clicking on the Settings page.
I don’t want this service what should I do?
Please get in touch with the hospital or clinical team who set up your account originally. They will be able to process your request. If you are not sure what hospital or clinical team created your account click here to contact PKB support.
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© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.