PKB ambassadors

PKB ambassadors

We need your help

We are looking for ‘ambassadors’ who feel as strongly as we do about patients' rights to access their data and the benefits this can bring. Patients Know Best is our social mission and we believe we will achieve this mission when every person:

  • Owns a copy of all their health information

  • Understands what this information means

  • Uses this understanding to make shared decisions with family members or carers and healthcare professionals.

As the company was founded and underpinned by the belief that patient access and ownership of health records can unlock the potential to greater health outcomes and experiences, our aim is for every person to have the ability to access their personal health record, control who can see it and use this information to manage their health and care.

We are proud of the work we do to support patients and their caregivers and want to give you, our users, the opportunity to talk about why patient access to healthcare records, and ability to utilise digital tools is important to you and the improvements this can make. Nothing drives us more than hearing the difference our platform and our vision is making to individuals experiences.

Getting involved

If you are patient, a carer, a healthcare professional and have any feedback or stories you can share with us to help support our mission, please get in touch. We want to represent you in our mission and your experiences in driving healthcare services forward in delivering care.

This can be as simple as telling us what you like about the platform, or as interactive as being interviewed to tell your full story. No story is too small and we will be grateful for any contribution you can make to becoming an ambassador for the mission. Equally if you want to become more involved in supporting this change, there are many more resources we can provide and local initiatives we can involve you in!

Please get in touch via communications@patientsknowbest.com if you would like to find out more/offer your support. If you would like to submit quotes for us to use, please do so via this form.

If you want to know more about how we would use your data please see our privacy notice in relation to this here.


PKB customer sites: deploy | developer | information governance | procurement | manual |https://wiki.patientsknowbest.com/space/MAN]research

© Patients Know Best, Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number: 6517382. VAT Number: GB 944 9739 67.