Logging in for the first time
What happens when I log in for the first time?
If you need help troubleshooting the log in process, please see our Logging in and out page.
When you have completed registration and log into the system for the first time, you will be taken through our consent screens before we display your homepage.
The first page you will be shown is pictured below:
When you click start, if your record has been added to clinical teams, you'll be taken through each team individually and show which privacy labels that team currently have access to and each page allows you to decide what privacy you want to share with the team who has added you. To learn more about privacy in your record you can read our privacy manual page.
Some boxes may be ticked by default when you are on this page - this is to be expected. It means that when this team was created in Patients Know Best they decided that they needed to have certain privacy access to support their patients, and so by default this is what is ticked. You can change this however - you can untick boxes if you don’t want them to have the access they want or can tick more boxes if you want to share more with them.
It is important to remember, if the box is ticked the team will be able to see data that has that privacy. For example, if you tick ‘General health’ and ‘Mental health’ the team will be able to see any data points in your record that have that privacy.
If you have not been added to any teams, you will be taken to the homepage.
If you tick no boxes, the team will not be able to see any data you add to your record, or any data added by other people (such as other teams who are contributing to your record, or your carers). They will, however, be able to see any data their team has added to the record. You can learn more about this in our sharing page.
If you have been added to multiple teams, you will have to repeat this process for each team before you are taken to the homepage. We display the team name and the organisation at the top of the page, so you always know who you are granting access to during this process.
The settings you decide when you first log in can be changed at any point by you - you will always remain in control of who can see your record. To change what teams can see at a later date, please see our sharing page.
Additional questions
When you review your sharing settings, you may also be asked about how you would like to be contacted, and what you agree can happen to your data regarding research. If you do not see the additional questions explained below, this is because the team caring for you has decided not to capture this information via PKB.
Contact preferences
The team caring for you can contact you via the PKB messaging functionality (and everytime they do, we will send you an email notification). However, the team may use PKB to record how else you would want to be contacted, by the team outside of PKB. There are three options, SMS, Email and Post - you can select as many (or as few) of these options as you like.
Improve healthcare
The final two questions on the page are about using your data for research purposes. Ticking the first question will allow the team caring for you to contact you to take part in any research they are conducting. Research can vary from sending you additional consultations via PKB, or inviting you to take part in research studies.
Ticking the second question allows the team caring for you to store and use your clinical samples.
Please remember that you can change your preferences at any time via the Sharing page.
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