Patients Know Best (PKB) has the most comprehensive and patient-centred care planning tool in the world, capturing structured and meaningful conversations around a person's care. This toolkit will show you care plans already created by PKB and how your team can start creating care plans for your patients, which sets realistic goals while ensuring they have clear steps to follow to help monitor and self-manage their own health.
Our Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), along with hospital Electronic Medical Record (EMR) feeds, allow information to flow in as well as out of the PKB health record. This gives patients the freedom to read, edit and share their care plan (electronically and printed) with anyone they choose, including those caring for them.
Key features
Embed information and advice
Teams can add information and videos, either created themselves or by offering links to verified information and support services to help patients self-care.
Symptom monitoring
Ask patients to log their symptoms and use a RAG system to help patients understand when to seek help. This is highly effective for real-time monitoring of long-term conditions.
Allergies and medications
PKB care plans provide a view of all allergies and medications to enable safe care from all professionals and carers involved in supporting the patient.
Measurements and test results
The real-time hospital EMR feed gives patients access to their test results faster than any other method. All recent measurements are shown in the care plan for the management of care.
Set clear goals and actions
Outline and agree on the individual steps a patient should take to manage their condition while considering the impact on their quality of life.
What's included in this toolkit:
Introduction to PKB care plan templates: learn about care plan templates
Requesting your template: how to request the creation of a care plan template
Decision Support Tool for Elective Pathways care plan templates: NHSE decision-making care plans for patients to use at any stage of the care
Consent care plan templates: show you how you can do consent using PKB
Monitoring templates: care plan templates tracking symptoms and measurements
Information templates: care plan templates give patients information and advice
Treatment templates: care plan templates following a patient through their treatment
Long care plan template: how to structure and create an extended care plan