Remote Working Best Practices

Remote Working Best Practices

Working remotely is becoming increasingly popular, and can be essential during a crisis situation that demands more flexible working practices. PKB has always been a fully remote company, our staff are used to working this way and are equipped to support our users through every stage of a PKB deployment.

We appreciate that most people are new to this way of working, particularly those in the health services that are normally required to work onsite for their organisations. We have collated a few tips and tricks here to help you work with us, and we make a commitment to make this as useful as possible for you.

Before Meetings

  1. We will include an agenda in all meeting invites - and request that you provide feedback on this prior to the meeting.

  2. We will always include an open document that can be used before, during, and after a meeting to share thoughts, ideas, notes, and actions.

  3. We will always attach directly any other relevant documentation to the meeting invite

During the Meeting

  1. We will allow people to log-in. We use Google Meet, different devices require different steps to sign in.

  2. We will arrive on time and respect people’s time, virtual meetings are no different from face to face meetings.

  3. We will understand if there is background noise, it happens, but try to avoid it from our side as much as possible!

  4. We will allow people to confirm, and double check details. Sometimes poor connections affect the message.

After the meeting

  1. We will always follow up with a summary of the call, with notes and actions.

  2. We will be understanding, and hope you are too, if adjustments to the notes need to be made to confirm everyone is aligned.