Benefits of LOINC Mapping

Benefits of LOINC Mapping

Logical Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes (LOINC) is a standard that facilitates the exchange and pooling of results, such as laboratory tests or vital signs, for clinical care, outcomes management, and research

When Organisations provide their code sets to PKB, we will be able to process the data in a way that allows PKB to add extra value, for example by mapping laboratory tests sent by different organisations to a set of standardised test names.

The LOINC mapped results will link out to the relevant test information on Lab Tests Online, which gives patients answers to common questions about the result, as shown below:

Providing code sets allows PKB to explain the result to the patient in their own language including any translations for patients for whom English isn’t their preferred language:

LOINC will mean that pathology test results will display on the same graph as other LOINC mapped results from different organisations. This removes issues where local systems have different names, codes or units for the same test. Providing code sets allows meaningful comparison between results sent from different organisations.

LOINC mapping also provides a coded data set for researchers.

By providing your code set, test results can be displayed within a care plan. Patients and professionals will be able to see test results on the same graph as shown below:

PKB will work with you to map the tests that you want to send to PKB with our LOINC codes - speak to your Success Project Manager for more information.

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