HL7 Message Scopes

HL7 Message Scopes

Enabled message types

This page summarises the messages currently supported in our production environments.

Please see the subpages for full details of each message.

Details of upcoming additions and improvements to our supported resources can be found in the Roadmap section of this site.

Query (track which of your patients have active PKB accounts, and who has been added since you last polled)

Records (including allergies, diagnoses, and medication history)


Observations (laboratory results and reports, radiology reports and images, vital measurements)

Documents (e.g. care plans, discharge summaries and clinic letters)

Appointments (currently accepts only non-recurring appointments for a single patient)

Any type of HL7 message is parsed automatically and passed through to the PKB back end, so it's fairly quick to enable processing of other messages types; we will be expanding this in the future.

Standard messages & segments

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