Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Partners

Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Partners


Organisations need an EPR copy of data about the patient so they can manage care efficiently and safely.

Patients need a PHR copy of data about the patient so they can manage health safely and efficiently.

PKB’s APIs allow synchronisation between the PKB PHR and the organisational EPR.


Releasing data from an EPR to a PHR allows a patient to know what has been done and what they need to do next. Releasing data from a PHR to an EPR allows the patient to do things for their clinical teams and for clinicians to know when they need to help.


Releasing data from EPR to PHR


Using a partner connection and an alias for a customer Alcidion will be sending data on behalf of, data will be sent to PKB using the appropriate PKB HL7 APIs.  Here are links to information about endpoints and network connectivity information. PKB will provide the credentials required and set up a test organisation in Sandbox to be used for the proof of concept phase.  All of our HL7 messages have MSH and PID segments.  Details of the types of messages, with links to the dev wiki, that will be used for phase 1 along with credentials are below:

  • ADT^A28 - used to create a new PKB record or to update a patient’s demographics. 

  • SIU^S12 - used to create appointments that appear in the diary section of the record. The information in the table on this page will help you to map your appointment fields to the appropriate fields in the HL7 message. There are other message types for updating, cancelling, and setting a DNA for an appointment, but we can include those for phase 2.

  • MDM^T02 - used to send in documents that appear in the Events & Messages section of the UI.  We have specific values for the types of documents that can be sent in. These values set the name of the document and determine the icon displayed next to the name  in the UI. A few that would work well for this demo would be Appointment letter (AL), Clinic letter (CL), or Discharge summary (DS).  Which document type will you send?

  • ORU^R01 - used to send in test results that appear in the Health / Tests section of the UI.  Which test results will you send? 

Collecting data from PHR for EPR

FHIR questionnaire resource